im sorry

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you finally finished getting settled into your hotel room

you closed the door and dropped your bag on the floor as the tears you were holding in the whole way to the hotel slowly came out

thinking it was all your fault why did you look at clay

all of this could have been avoided if you just didn't look at him

but then again nick went way overboard getting hickies from a total stranger

did he not care that easily about your relationship

you were now laying in bed sobbing into the cold hotel pillows with the blinds wide open with a view of the city lights shimmer

as you finished crying you were thinking about him

about the time you lost your virginity to him in the other hotel

you trusted him but maybe it was a mistake coming to see him

it's probably time to go back home

you snap out of your thoughts as a ding came from your phone


niki: hey y/n are u okay? ):

y/n: hey! yeah i'm staying at a hotel for about a week i'm guessing the word is out huh

niki: well u guys did argue really loud so most of the house could hear

y/n: yikes sorry about that

niki: don't worry but is it okay if i spend the night with u? i'd like to be of comfort i'd hate for you to be alone if that's fine

y/n: yeah that sounds good here's the address tell me when u are here so i can head down {insert address}

niki: okay see u soon :D

y/n: see ya!

you put your phone down and turn on the lights in the hotel and sit on the floor near the window

as you look outside you see cars going around and buildings lights turning on and off on every floor

you sat their for around 5 minutes until you got up to fix your hair and blow your nose in the bathroom

minutes later niki finally gets to the building and you go down to get her

you hop out the elevator and see her there smiling with her arms out reacher for a hug

niki: hi y/n

you walk towards her with your arms out as well and hug her really tight

y/n: hi niki, god you don't know how much i needed a hug

niki: aww babes

you both let go of the hug and head to the hotel room

niki sets her things out and takes out some chocolate and wine

niki: here i brought this it's gonna be a looong night

y/n: right, thank you

you and niki sit on the couch and begin to talk

after around 1 1/2 cups of wine you finally thought it was time to talk about it

y/n: so about nick he went to a bar got drunk and was close to hooking up with a random girl but he had so many hickies it's kinda making me think he actually did fuck her

niki: y/n i'm sure he regrets it ever since he went to check on you in the room he hasn't came out he just did things without thinking

you slowly start to realize how badly you and nick took this situation it was his fault for over reacting and your fault for not listening and talking about it

niki and you cleaned up and fell asleep together while listening to music

niki was an early bird she loved waking up at 7 am which ment you had to be up too

niki: morning!

y/n: good morning

niki: you ready to go back?

y/n: yeah thank you again

niki: no worries i'm happy you're happy

you both grabbed your things and parted ways

niki drove to run errands and you drove back to the mansion

you walked into a quiet house everyone was asleep in their rooms

you walked to your room and there he was asleep on the bed with his jeans still on without a blanket

nick was hugging his pillow asleep with quiet snores escaping his mouth

you unpack your clothes and lay next to him in back with your back turned to him

he slowly opened his eyes and saw you

he stayed quiet and moved his pillow behind him to make space for you

he grabbed you and hugged you close to him

nick: i missed you so much

y/n: im sorry

you turned your head to see him and hugged him back

y/n: i should have listened

nick: i'm sorry for overreacting and making horrible decisions

y/n: i swear if another girl touches you again i will-

nick covered your mouth and kissed your forehead

nick: don't ruin the moment

he removed his hand and kissed your lips and fell asleep again as you did as well

3 hours later you both woke up and cleaned the room

your love for nick was now stronger as well as his for you

you both continued your day without nothing eventful happening

just nick on his computer playing pokémon and league as you sat next to him watching for hours

(moon kisses) sapnap x readerWhere stories live. Discover now