the argument

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cw - light alcohol and nsfw

nick 🫂❤️: get the fuck inside now

well shit.

you feel butterflies in your stomach but the bad kind

the kind that makes you tremble and worry

as you dry your hair with the towel and squeeze some water out your shirt you walk inside into the room with nick sitting on the bed waiting for you with a new set of clothes on

nick: close the door... please

he looked down he didn't seem mad just sad

y/n: what's wrong? what happened?

nick: are you serious?

y/n: what?

nick: oh i don't know maybe the fact that you were staring at him

y/n: n-nick

nick: you have done this many times but i never said anything cause i didn't think it was on purpose but now i know

it's true , you always glanced at clay you felt bad doing it but couldn't resist

you don't know why you want to stare at him , you don't like him in a romantic way just eye candy

y/n: nick just listen to me


you look down disappointed at the carpet floor you feel so bad about what you have done

y/n: that's not true

nick: look at me and tell me

you couldn't lie to him especially while making eye contact

y/n: im sorry

nick: so it is true

nick stands up and leaves taking his keys and phone with him

he goes into his car and drives out the driveway

you sat on the floor and cried regretting everything you did

{nicks pov}

nick was driving blasting music while tearing up a bit singing to the lyrics trying to destress

in his mind he didn't care anymore he loved you so much but thought you wouldn't want him anymore

he was so hurt by you he loved you so deeply to him you were everything

you comforted him and cared for him but now he had to take a break

he drove to a bar to have a bit of fun he took a few shots and before he knew he was drunk

a lady walked up to him, she had long black wavy hair with an amazing body and soothing voice

???: hey handsome boy

nick: h- hey

???: what's a cute guy doing here alone?

nick: destressing i guess

???: well what's your name?

nick: uh my name is nicholas but nick is fine

sina: well hi nick i'm sina

nick decided to just say fuck it and give into it he knew she wanted a quick fuck

nick: sina? that's a cute name

(moon kisses) sapnap x readerWhere stories live. Discover now