Chapter 1- Listen To The Music

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It's a beautiful autumn day in upstate New York. The sun is shining through the trees and a soft breeze blows by. I'm sitting outside my favorite cafe, sipping hot chocolate and reading a book. This has always been one of my favorite pastimes in the fall. The cafe I'm sitting at is called The French Corner, known for their pastries and hot drinks. I finish my coco and order another one to-go. When it arrives, I leave a tip and walk across the street to the park. I love coming to this place. It's my escape from the busy world outside. A chill wind blows past me and I pull my beanie further down over my short blonde hair. The sun disappears behind some clouds and I take off my sunglasses so I can still read. A raindrop falls on my book. I look up, confused, while wiping it off. What happened to the sun? I think, This can't be right. As if on cue, an explosion sounds behind me. I whip around to see smoke pouring from the New York State Capitol building. The sky is getting darker and forks of lightning strike the air above the political hub.
Needless to say, my curiosity is sufficiently piqued. I have to know what's going on. I pack away my book, then unfold my wings and take to the sky.
I glide the short distance to the Capitol Building, only to find a gaping hole in its side. From above, I'm in the perfect position to asses the situation. There are six mutants trying their hardest to ransack the building and five doing their best to stop them. Sadly, they weren't making much headway. Well that's not fair, they're outnumbered. Time to go even the odds. I tuck in my wings and dive bomb a disgustingly fat mutant who was trying to destroy a pillar. He falls over in surprise, landing with a blubbery thwack. Note to self: Just because he's a mutant doesn't mean he's attractive. Also, never ever go on a blind date. I could be set up with that. I try to pity the gross man, but I really can't. My attention is snapped back to the battle when something hard almost hits me, then slams into the wall next to me. Someone's got an arm. I decide its time to intervene. Landing, I dig my phone out of my bag, plugging in the headphones and putting on my sunglasses. If I'm gonna whoop butt, better do it in style. I press play and walk to the middle of the battle field. The music takes it's time to build up, so I survey my surroundings for helpful items. I spot a few lampposts and some impressively large boulders. Tapping my foot to the beat of the song, I levitate the boulders and pull the lampposts out of the ground. The mutants nearest me have stopped fighting. I turn, pulling some of my professional dance moves. I can target the "bad guys" fairly easily. Pointing to the one I assume is the leader, I send the biggest boulder crashing into him. I dance around some more and point to the next one and a lamppost goes flying. Now the song is getting really upbeat, so I just dance, occasionally throwing something at one of the criminals. When they've all been bashed by something or another, I glance around at my handiwork. The mutants I've deemed the good guys are unscathed and, hopefully, impressed. The team of six is groaning and brushing off rubble. The one I hit first bursts out of the pile I put on him and lands a few feet away from me.
"Is that all you got?" He growls menacingly, towering over me.
I take off my sunglasses and chew on the frame. "Sabretooth, is it?" He grunts and pulls back, "How do you know my name?"
"Doesn't matter," I brush him off, "The thing is Sabretooth, I'm just getting started." He goes flying backwards into Fat Man and this dude that looks like a frog. I feel a brush of wind, my senses telling me someone has super speed and they think they can hurt me. I expand my wings and take flight, going right through the storm cloud above me. For a few seconds before gravity takes over, I lie suspended in the air, then I fall. I land fist first, causing the ground beneath me to grow and crash in waves The storm cloud rumbles and gives them a light show to remember, striking each one. Then I fold in my wings and levitate off the ground, bringing Sabretooth and his posse with me. They attempt to swim through the air. I smile because I know it's futile. Forming a circle, they start spinning. On and on they spin, faster and faster. My hands burst into flames. I hold my fists out in front of me and blast the swirling mess with fire. The villains drop to the ground and I float lightly down after them. I go up to Sabretooth and kneel, taking off the glasses again.
"Had enough pretty boy? Or are you up for seconds?"
He groans and tries to get up. With a flick of my finger, a rock knocks him over the head, rendering him unconscious. There is movement around me as the good guys gather 'round to marvel at my accomplishment. I stand, replacing the glasses and spreading my wings. "They're all yours." I tell them over my shoulder before flying away. I have to admit, I tell myself, it felt pretty freaking awesome to do that.
Logan stands above the mess of flesh that makes up the Brotherhood, trying not to breathe in the scent. Ororo lands softly next to him, recoiling at the sight.
"Who was that girl?" She asks.
"How the heck should I know?" Logan snaps back.
"Can you get her scent?"
"No. There's too much going on here to get anything."
"Right. I'll gather the others and meet you at the blackbird. Charles will want to hear about this. If he doesn't already know."
Logan grunts. He stands watch over the Brotherhood, ready to make a move, but no one stirs. Sirens wail in the distance and he gives them one last scowl before retreating into the shadows.
I land a few blocks from my apartment in a park nearby. The light is starting to fade as I reach my front door. The days are already getting shorter. I sigh. Lounging on my tiny porch, I soak up the last of the sun's rays. After unlocking the door, I am attacked by a gold and brown fluff ball. "Sup, cat?" My cat meows and rubs up against my legs, wanting food. She always wants food. She has a name, it's Cleo, as in Cleopatra, but normally I just call her cat. I drop my bag on the couch and go to the kitchen to feed Cleo. She hops up onto the island while I'm opening the can. She's very impatient. Leaving her to her dinner, I go to my room to get ready for a night in. I make it as far as my computer desk. A Skype notification appears as I'm walking by, and I quickly sit and accept the call. A silhouetted face appears on the screen.
"Hey Boss! I wasn't expecting a call from you till Friday." This could be a very good thing or a very bad thing. Probably she wants to yell at me for something I did wrong today. Like fighting those mutants.
"I thought a discussion was in order after your actions at the Capitol Building." Crap. She's mad.
"Was I not suppose to help?"
"Frankly, no." Well I'm screwed. "But as luck would have it, you've opened up opportunities for us. For you."
I sigh. "You have a mission for me?"
"Yes. There are two targets, both formidable opponents."
"What risk do they pose to the safety of humanity?" We have to ask this question every time. I think it's to convince ourselves that what we're doing is right.
"They could destroy half the mutant population while trying to save it." Holy crap. I don't reply. My mouth is hanging open as I try to comprehend the magnitude of what she just told me.
"The mutant population is approximately one third of the entire human race-" she cuts me off.
"And if they succeed in killing that many mutants by accident, how many humans will they murder on purpose?"
I sit back, aghast, running a hand through my hair.
"That shouldn't be possible." I whisper finally.
"I desperately wish we were wrong, but if the world continues on this path, it is inevitable."
I can't speak.
"Brielle." I look up. "The team of mutants you fought are called the Brotherhood. They work for a man named Erik Lehnsherr who goes by Magneto. He is your first target." I nod, still unable to form words. "Your second target might be more difficult to subdue. She is a class five mutant with repressed powers."
"Those are always a bad story."
"Agreed. She works with the team you helped, the X-Men. They will not take kindly to you hurting one of their own, so I suggest you convince her to come in willingly. But if push comes to shove, you will have to take her by force."
"Understood. What's her name?"
"Jean Gray."

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