Chapter 25 || He's Alive

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A/N: Attendance here :) Hi my loves

Natasha POV

How the hell is he still alive? They told me he was dead. Dreykov and Madame B. told me he was dead.

But he's alive?

"You're messy. Your footwork will get you killed."

"My footwork is fine," I argue back but he comes over to me and taps out the widow, taking her place.

"Then show me."

I set myself up and grab his arm, going to flip him, but he steps his foot and presses his hand into my chest, making me stumble back and trip over his foot, falling down. He stands above me with that signature sly smirk on his lips.

 He stands above me with that signature sly smirk on his lips

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"Like I said, Doll. You're messy."

My eyes stare up at him, I can feel my own heartbeat in my ears while his face comes closer to mine, his hot breath hitting my lips.

Gulping, I reach to take his hand but he pulls it away and stands up straight.

"Real warriors don't need help. Get up on your own."

We get inside a secret facility, Kade holding me up while we walk. I look over at her, seeing her tightly-set features on her face. She's thinking about something or she's angry. Probably both considering I've been bleeding out for the past hour.

She saw my reaction to Bucky, she knows something is up. And that I am keeping it from her. I know I should've told her, I will. But I didn't think I would ever have to. It's behind me.

But I never thought I would see him again.

"GSW. She's lost at least a pint."

"Maybe two," Kade sighs as we approach a doctor.

"Let me take her!" He shouts but Maria shakes her head, "She'll want to see him first."

Him? Who the hell is she talking about?

Kade frowns at Maria but follows her until we reach a room. She opens the door and I widen my eyes when I see who's on the bed.

"About damn time."

My legs nearly give out but Kaden keeps me up, "Come on," she whispers, carrying me to a bed where the doctor begins to treat my shoulder.

My eyes won't leave Nick Fury. He's alive. Is everyone that I was told to be dead alive now? Is that what the world is doing?

"Explain," Kade demands, crossing her arms over her chest angrily. She's pissed. She doesn't like being lied to, that much I know.

"Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, one hell of a headache."

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