Chapter 40 || New Suit

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A/N: Attendanceeeeeeee, how y'all doing :) 

I block another kick and grab the ankle, flipping her over my shoulder. When I hear her feet land on the ground, I quickly turn but she already has jumped up, her legs wrapped around my neck.

There's not a second for me to think. She leans back, using her body weight to propel us to the ground, then kicking her legs around my neck forward so that I land on my stomach.

 She leans back, using her body weight to propel us to the ground, then kicking her legs around my neck forward so that I land on my stomach

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I groan when I feel her trap my arms behind me, her straddling my back side.


Chuckling, I swing my feet to get her off me, grabbing her arm and yanking her towards me, holding her in a headlock, my lips right beside her ear.

With a proud smirk, I lean forward and whisper, "Give?"

She tries to fight me off but I tighten my hold, making her gasp for air. I won't hurt her, she knows that. And of course, she uses it.

Her foot to my crotch makes me release her, doubling over in pain. I grab it and whine, "No fair!"

"Life's not fair," she huffs before throwing a punch. I snap out of my pained daze and lift my hands, blocking her attacks until I am trapped against the back wall of the training room, both our chests heaving from exhaustion.

"Give?" She smirks at me devilishly, head tilting to the side.

"Jesus Christ! Get a room, you two! You're steaming up the training room with your sexual tension," Clint shouts while he spars with Wanda.

"Not fair, you wouldn't let me have my music."

"Some fights you won't be able to have your music," she smiles at me, patting my cheek in faux sympathy before the door opens.

"Not true! Crest, I got a present for you."

I look at the doorway to see Tony coming in with a giddy smile on his face.

Nat walks over to the bench to grab our waters. She tosses me a sweat rag which I gratefully take to wipe my face, then hands me my water.

"That is a scary concept, Stark."

"Oh come on. You're gonna love it. You can bring your girlfriend, too. I almost pulled her once, you know. When we first met, even though she lied to me about her name and entire life. Right, Natalie Rushman?"

"Bite me."

"Love to," He smirks back at her but I just roll my eyes and walk out the door with him.

"What do you got, Tony?"

He leads us to his little engineering room, a room where there are more Iron Man suits than I can count. I gaze around in awe until he taps something and speaks to FRIDAY, a door opening and a suit I've never seen before coming out.

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