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This is awkward, "umm... I was not expecting to see one of Noah's friends to be..." I looked at him while he stared back in disbelief. I mean, what a coincidence that I was so thirsty over Noah's twink buddy. Itching the back of my neck, we stood in silence as neither of us knew what to say, well at least "I" don't.

"Care to explain!" He flailed his limbs in complete madness. 

"We can talk about it inside," I shook my head with a sigh and pulled out the keys from my pocket.

"I don't trust you, homophobe!" He crosses his arms and stands his ground.

Frowning at him, I gently pushed the door open, "p-please, not in here," I said.

It took a lot of convincing because this little shit was stubborn as hell. Not until at least 5 minutes did I get him into the room and I closed the door behind us. Both of us sat on the edge of the bed, his demeanor still on guard while I rubbed my nose bridge in embarrassment and annoyance. "Are you secretly queer baiting guys and breaking their hearts? Because I will end your reign of terror!"

"God just shut up..." I groaned and slumped my back on the cushioned mattress.

"Answer me!" James pouts.

"Fucking hell, you may be cute but do I need to stuff my fat cock in your mouth to shut up?" I rolled my eyes and heaved a bigger breath, "okay, short story, Jackson and Ethan's relationship have been hitting off. I don't really have much time on my hands to date someone and currently am piled up with so much work." I peered over to James to see that he was listening.

"Noticing how happy Jackson has been, got me a little bit frustrated but I take it all out with sex... I'm horny okay," pursing my lips after admitting that.

James blinks and curiously asks, "why are you on a gay dating app then? There are no chicks if that isn't obvious enough for you."

Grunting, I turned my head away from him and murmured, "Jackson and Ethan... I gotta admit they both look wholesomely sweet. And, Brad and Noah's relationship together is the most solid thing I've ever seen. I just 'wondered'... what it would be like to be with a guy instead?"

The room fell noiseless again. James didn't respond but just sat there for a moment. I'm cringing at myself right now, for the first time hooking up, this is going to haunt me for a long period of time. "Wow, such a 180 in your character development," James broke the silence.

"There's more details to my change in personality, I just choose not to share them with you," He gazed at him.

Another few seconds passed until his tense posture eventually mellowed down. He shuffles a little uncomfortably, direct line of sight bouncing around the room avoiding mine, and his thumbs fumbled. He shakes his head, "this is... just for this night right?"

"What?" I tilted my head.

"It's only a one-night stand," James gives me a more serious look.

I did say that, didn't I? Swallowing the lump in my throat, I nodded. James closes his eyes but before anything initiate, I grabbed him tightly by the shoulder and whispered in a low voice,

"don't tell anyone about this, got that?"

JAMES X DAMIAN (BY KATE)Where stories live. Discover now