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"Oh fuck yesss~" Damian moans as I start riding on top of his warm cock. This is our third round and I could still feel the warm thick cum lathered on my skin. We both also came to an agreement to toss the damn condom away at this point. Bouncing up and down, my hands settled on his sculpted yet round chest. Breathless, I am completely out of breath but still continue to love every single second. My ass, my mouth, full of his girthy dick. I've completely gone crazy and lost my mind, fueled with lust and the aroma intoxicating the air. Damian tugs my arm causing me to lean over his body, the two of us stare into each other's eyes before he uses the same hand to caress the back of my neck. He shuts his eyes before closing the gap with his lips on mine, tongue digging and adventuring in my mouth.

We kept going, passionately making out whilst his twitching manhood releases that last of his cum.


We did our best to cleanse our filth around the stained bedroom. Afterwards, we took turns taking a shower and washing ourselves. Once finishing up, Damian laid on the bed while I settled myself on his side, one arm of his wrapped around to pull me closer while the other propped behind his head for support.

What... a surreal experience...

It felt great, but post-nut clarity somewhat brought the weird nerve back.

Though physically comfortable at the moment, either of us sensed how... this happened between us.

"How are you feeling?" I murmured, peering up to him.

Scratching his chin, he replies, "okay, I will admit it was nice fucking your tight- woah, never thought I'd imagine or even say that..." he sighs.

"So, good first experience?"

He was silent for a moment. Damian was thinking deeply, eyes were shut and his breathing was steady, "yeah... it was..."

"So... what does this mean then?..." I couldn't help but frown. It was a nice chance to feel liberated and have fun after a while, but could I really like him? Perhaps he has changed somehow in the course of such short notice. This was all too confusing for me to think.

"I'm not sure..." his deep voice mumbled with uncertainty.

Perplexed in this situation, neither knew what to think of this. Both tired, I couldn't help but stifle a yawn which resulted in Damian doing the same after. Is this what I wanted? My heart yearned to find love on the way, yet this was all going too- unprecedented.


Waking up the next day, I shuffled, sat up, and rubbed my eyes. Blinking, I glanced back at the big guy to see that he was still snoozed yet he seemed to be positioned as if though he was engulfing me during my sleep protectively. He snores, quite as if he's a rumbly beast. His arms were literally caging me.

How did I manage to rest with that noise?

What do I do now?

"This is only a one-night stand..."

I remember saying something along those lines last night. My lips pursed in frustration with sadness. I took the time to contemplate a few more things before making up my mind.

Soon after, I carefully slid out of his grasp and bed without waking him up. Discretely grabbing my clothes that I neatly sat aside on a nearby table, I got myself dressed and went in the bathroom mirror to make sure my appearance was decent. Once everything was in order, my eyes couldn't resist and decided to take a glimpse at him one more time. Eyes still shut whilst his hands were gaining consciousness, moving around, searching the now empty space that I had once occupied. Swiftly, I made my way to the door and exited.

JAMES X DAMIAN (BY KATE)Where stories live. Discover now