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To think I would be sucking dick would be the most ironic thing I've ever done. His shaft is lengthy and salty, way different than drilling into a wet pussy. I could also feel his leaking precum sliding in my mouth. This is pretty unusual and new to me, but my god, the noise he's making. The fucking whimpers and moans! I want more of him. "Damian... you're so good, I didn't know you had it in you," James whispers.

"Well, now I 'do have it in me'" I chuckled.


"That was a horrible joke," he scoffs.

"What?! That was funny!" I pouted. Ignoring so, I then went deeper and kissed his taint and towards his hole. "Mmm~" groaning as I get ready to feast on that plump ass. Bringing his legs up, I rimmed the hell out of his entrance. Despite saying how loud he was being and shushing him for it, I don't care anymore, it's so fucking sexy and turns me on to the max. Come to think of it, he doesn't kinda appear to be loose, not a bit. Pausing to perk up between and ask "hey, are you a virgin?"

He must have known why I said so and replied "I've sucked guys before but I've never actually gotten fucked in the ass by them," nonchalantly did he mention.

"Tight, love that~" I smirked with newfound excitement. Though, I didn't want to rush too fast, I wanna savor this. Getting into a position, I laid on my back and with a signal of my finger, urged him to come closer. James then inches up to me and was so fixated on my pulsing cock. "Not to exactly fuel your ego, b-but this is the biggest dick I've ever seen," a tone of both fear and entice in his voice.

"Heh, I gave yours a good time, next you can do is suck mine," I winked at him. There was no hesitation for him to wrap his lips on my tip. I jolted and winced at the suddenness of it and exhaled an amount of air, "GH! Ahh... I-I forgot to tell you, I worked out a sweat a few hours ago in a gym and didn't get a chance to shower. Sorry if I stink a bit."

"No worries, I don't mind a man's musk, it's kinda kinky~" a devilish impression on his face.

Out of nowhere, he goes further and further until effortlessly deepthroating all the way to my base, "FUCKKK!!!" I moaned and yelled out. My hand involuntarily takes a hold of his hair as I pressed him down on my dick. Fuck! Fuck! That felt so good! I don't think any girl I've had sex with managed to do that...

James holds on for a few seconds before slurping out of my cock, a string of saliva follows from my tip to his pink delicate lips. Panting, how am I breathless already? "S-shit..." I gasped.

"Hehe... doing okay 'daddy Damian'?" James teases. His fingers torturing my cockhead once more, causing me to roar out and shake uncontrollably.

"Y-you playful little-... damn it, s-stop or..."

As if he wasn't finished, James starts sucking on my sweaty balls and felt myself getting ready, "oh shit, I'm cumming!" My hips thrust up in the air and a stream of hot load shoot out everywhere. I felt it splatter all over my chest and abs and saw some get all over James too. "Asshole... ahh, I told you to stop..." I glared at him.

"Oops, I didn't think you'd be 'that' quick," he scoots back.

My orgasm last for at least 5 seconds and the entire bed would be fucking coated. "Shit this is such a mess..." I grunted then gave James a very irritated look. "But, I'm not done yet," Snatching both of his hands and raising them above his head, he looks at me with worry as I immobilized him. "I haven't came for about a month so my dick's still hard and sack is just half empty. I'm gonna punish and fuck you so bad for that."

James blinks a few times but retains his cool "heh, okay big boy, show me what you've got."

Perhaps I will show you. Flipping him to his front backshot style, I brought his ass up I smeared my slick cream from my body onto his hole. His eyes widen and he sees me take a middle finger and slide it in, "you like my thick finger up your ass?"

"Yes! Aaah! More!" James yelps out.

With his violent but amazing noises, I shove it up making him squirm. God that is a sight to see right there...

Finally getting him prepared, I grabbed the condom from the side and slipped it on.

"I'm ready, wreck me..." James whined.

Aiming my cock, I gently pressed in and the two of us moaned simultaneously, "James! Aaah..." his now deflowered rim squeezed my cock so well and my warm cum sends me into euphoria.

I pound and pound and fuck him so hard, we began sweating roughly whilst the bed creek ferociously, "Damian~ your dick is so good, it's hitting my spot! Please don't stop!" He pleads.

"Beg for more! I love it when you want it faster and deeper!" I grunt with every thrust. While one arm of mine is busy keeping me balanced, my other took hold of James's dick and started jerking him off.

Oh my god, is this what fucking a guy feels like? Shit, it sorta feels better than pussy!

I could sense him squeezing his ass, clamping my already throbbing cock even more. Progressively did our moans increase in volume, at this point I think the two of us wouldn't care at how much we're moaning, fucking hell we're having the best sex!

"D-Damian, I'm getting close!" James mentions between breaths.

"Me too, let's do it together..."

As I plunge brutally into his hole with one final pound, I let out the most animalistic yell I've ever shouted, "FUCCCKKK!!! TAKE MY FUCKING LOAD!" At the same time, James climaxes onto the sheets. Creamy loads spread on our sweaty bodies.

JAMES X DAMIAN (BY KATE)Where stories live. Discover now