JAMES - 3*

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"Ow ow! Okay, shit! You're hurting my shoulder here," I hissed at him. Damn his grip is strong. After confirming that I wouldn't spread information about having sex with the high-school bully, he did the unthinkable and shoved me to the middle of the bed. I winced but felt something heavy toppling above me. Damian's big figure loomed over and I didn't have time to react when he plunged his lips on mine. He was very fierce and dominant, my mouth couldn't compete with his aggression. Damian lets out a few growls and moans. Ultimately, I gave in and let him take control, ravishing my body. His hands roamed and slipped his rough masculine hands up my shirt. I felt tingles run up my spine as he gets closer and closer to my chest, letting out whimpers.

"Fuck that sounds adorable..." he smirks. I start panting, blinking at him who's enjoying every instance that is happening. He's warm, only causing me to burn even more when he presses against me. I could sense something pressing down on my own crotch as I glanced down to see his bulge twitching under his pants.

"I'm not done yet, let me hear you moan," he grins, using the same hand and started playing with my nipples. Not only did I give him the moans that he wanted, but I was losing my mind and yelled out in pleasure. "Aaahh! Fuckk!" Eyes roll back into my skull.

Damian forces his lips on mine again, "shhh... not 'too' loud," he smiles. More and more his invasive fingers squeezed and slithered everywhere around me. As much as I am being sensitive, I admit that Damian feels amazing.

"Fucking tease..." I murmured with my remaining strength.

He chuckles and catches me off guard. Now using both of his hands, he lifts my shirt off me, stripping my top and gently tossing it to the side. Damian stares, taking me in as if I'm a glorious subject, "your profile pics didn't lie, you look so good," he says with lust and praise. Seeing that I'm just wriggling on the sheets, he thought it would be an idea to help me take off his tight shirt. Reaching for my wrist, he carefully guides my hand up in his own top and could feel his skin. Just like what he did to me, I made it to his pecs and squeezed them. He moans seductively and his brows furrowed in pleasure. Squeezing his nipples next, he howls but lets me do my thing. I manage to take off his clothes and place them aside, now we're both half-naked, chests expanding from the adrenaline and the tension. "You bold sly bitch," he laughs as he gently massages his now red daddy milkers.

"Look who's talking," I responded even sassier. My eyes drifted down to his body and I swear I felt my heart skip a beat. If he thought I was relatively accurate to the pictures I share on the app, holy shit did he look equally as sexy as his. I felt my dick getting harder and harder the more I stared at him and he most definitely noticed my observant behavior. It didn't take long enough for him to get wild and handle the waist of my pants, "getting tempting now are we?" I heckled.

The moment he pulls them down, he immediately freezes in place. Confused, I watched him remain stopped as time hasn't forwarded, "umm... are you okay?" I questioned.

His eyelids shut tightly before taking slow breaths, "sorry... it's just, this is my first time doing it with a guy. I got a little bit carried away that I almost forgot you aren't a... you know," his cheeks flushed pink.

Although he seems to be making this a little difficult, I reassured him that he shouldn't feel regret at his choices, "Damian, it's okay..." mumbling as I tried to soothe the uneasiness building within him, "having sex with the same gender as you doesn't invalidate who you are. It doesn't make you less of a man. You're currently finding out about yourself, and if it doesn't work out for you at least you now know right?" A smile of encouragement grows on my face as I reach out a palm to place on his cheek. Damian purrs deeply as he leans deeper onto my palm.

Oh wow.

"Ahh... alright," he reflects the tender expression back at me.

Beaming, I proceed to get back into chaotic mode, "now can you fuck me? My ass needs some Damian dick!"

Damian, now currently looking shocked and unimpressed, then bursts out laughing, "damn, you know how to switch moods quick don't ya? Fine, I'll give you every inch of my throbbing cock," he grins. Unbuckling his belt, he slips off his jeans. Only then did his bulge grow even bigger than what initially was under those compressing pants. But, before he throws them away, he takes out a condom packet and rips it open with his teeth.

Holy shit that was hot-

He didn't want to use it yet but just did it to prepare afterwards so he kept it close by. By the way his towering form sat in front of me, he crawls up like a massive predator getting ready to devour his prey. He plants his kisses onto my neck making me gasp with tingles. His trail lowers and lowers until he ends on my nipples again. With his tongue, he swirls around and also uses teeth to nibble on them, "aahhh! Damian!" I moaned out his name which only drove him insane. While his mouth services my chest, he used his legs to spread mine.

This fucker's talented I'll give him that.

When he finishes up, he continues himself down to my now hard dick that was twitching in anticipation. Licking his lips he growls, "this'll be delicious~"

JAMES X DAMIAN (BY KATE)Where stories live. Discover now