Chapter 10

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"Ouch!" "Hey!"

"Sorry, I can't see."

So, sneaking around in the middle of the night wasn't exactly a good plan.

"Are we there yet?" moaned Judie, following behind clumsily.

"Almost," confirmed Castor.

They soon made it.

"Now, I need each of you to put your hand on your star. And then...."


"They did it, sir."

"I can see."

"What now?"

"Start phase 2."

"Yes, sir."

"And Pollux?"


"Make sure they forget."


"To us!" Amy cried.

"To us!"' the others echoed, clinking their milk cartons together before taking a gulp.

"I can't believe we did it," Alice commented, smiling as she took a sip of milk.

"But we did and we were amazing!" Lori noted, raising her milk.

"I still don't think that's chicken," Judie said, nodding at the food.

"It's not," a cool voice noted, "I asked the lunch lady."

The group laughed as Castor made his comment.

"I'm leaving now."

And once more, an awkward silence prevailed.

"You mean.... Now?"

It was Alice who said it. The boy nodded.

And so the group rushed, hurrying to hug the boy tightly and whisper thanks.

As he let go of Maddie, there was one more goodbye.


And Alice ran, enveloping him in a hug as she kisssed him.

The group laughed, some whispering "Finally!"

And as the boy walked off, they forgot.

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