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"I've missed this so much." Aaron whispered in my ear as he caressed my hip with his hand and kissed my neck.

"Hmm, I've missed it more."

With that I turned around to face him and connected our lips together as we shared a passionate kiss together. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his left one, which was caressing my hip just a moment ago, around my back as we pulled each other closer to one another. Aaron groaned through the kiss as it got a bit heated and we unconsciously slowly started to grind against each other.

Ok, so because I know y'all are probably a bit confused right now. Aaron and I have been friends for a very long time. When I was younger I used to live on the streets because my parents abandoned me when I was 4. I lived on the streets till I was about 10, I was caught by police and put into a foster home. However I didn't stay, I actually moved from foster home to foster home, from group home to group home. At 16 I returned to the stresses cause I got tired of all that and ran away. A few weeks later Aaron found me and he is legit nothing but a few months older than me and he had his own little hideout where he stayed.

So, basically I ended up getting Hurt really bad because, well let's just say I was doing stuff that I didn't have any business doing. Anyways, Aaron found me and took me back to his little hideout and fixed up the cuts I had and after that I stayed with him while he pretty much took care of my injuries and in that time period we became friends and started looking out for each other. A year later, I ended up with Raven, Jason, and Nick... that's a story for another time though... Anyway we lost contact for a year but then I transfered to this school and luckily he was going there so we ended up getting back in touch and by then I was already a playgirl. In the middle of that school year, me and Aaron were dealing with some real messed up shit and ended up sleeping together. Ever since then we've been friends with benefits from time to time. Like now.

Aaron slowly moved to get on top of me as our kiss got even more heated. He placed both hands on either side of my head as he broke the kiss and started trailing kisses down my jawline to my neck as he sucked on it every now and then, leaving hickeys. I tangled my hands in his hair as I just let him do his thing.

*Ring Ring*

Damn phone! Who in the world is calling me right now?

"Mmm~... A-Aaron wa-it.." I tried to speak but couldn't because I was breathing heavily from the pleasure he was making me feel.

I wanted to see who it was that was calling because I know that Raven and them need me to go to the club to check up on everything. Aaron was clearly too busy to hear or well care about the ringing phone and just continued to trail kisses down from my neck and collar bone to my cleavage.

"A-Aaron.." I tried calling his name but only got a light hum in response, but I still took that as a sign that he was simi-listening.

"I-I need to answer my phone real quick luv."

Aaron stopped what he was doing and looked at me before turning his head to the bedside table which had the ringing phone on it. He sighed as he got off of me and laced down next me while I reached over to grab my phone off the table. I looked at the caller ID to see that it was Jason and immediately I picked up the call.

"Hey, Jason is everything ok?" I asked as I put the phone up to my ear.

"Uh yeah, where are you? Have you made it to the club yet?" Yep, I figured that would be the reason for the call.

"Uh no I have not. I was hungry so I stopped to grab something to eat. I'm about to head over there now though to check up on everything." I said as I glanced over at Aaron who placed his hand back on my hip and started caressing it again.

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