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"Hi, I'm Winter. Winter Blackstone."

Derrick looked shocked once I told him who I was or well just gave him my name.

"So, you're the famous Winter Blackstone everyone in the school has been warning me to stay away from?"

"Hmm, and what exactly have these people that have warned you to stay away from me said?"

I crossed my arms as I raised a brow while looking at him. He smirked in turn, and he got ready to answer my question.

"Well, they said that you own the Queen Blackstone Club and that you are the school's biggest playgirl. Although when they told me they left out the part about you also being the hottest girl in school that everyone is after."

"Haha, yeah well playgirl's gotta keep up her image, doesn't she?"

"Yeah, I guess if I'm being honest, I was lowkey halfway expecting you to be this girl who gave off a devilish persona."

"Aw, you're cute. Careful though because if you play your cards right you might just get to see that side of me."

I smirked as I patted his chest while looking up at him since he was taller than me. He looked down at me as he smiled and put his hands into his pockets.

"Is the so-called cold-hearted playgirl flirting with me right now?"

Oh, so he got jokes now or he think he trying to catch game? Either way, Babyboy is about to be in for a treat. I'ma have fun with this one.

"Nah, more so just testing out the prey."

With that I winked at him as I grabbed a small piece of paper off of the teacher's desk along with a pen and wrote my number down. I then handed the paper to him as I said one last thing to him.

"Let's see how long you last with me Babyboy."

With that I walked out of the room but just before I left, I heard him mumble a small, 'cute'.

~ ~ ~

"Wait so he knows that you're a playgirl, but he willingly lets you flirt with him?"

"Yes! I honestly was so shocked. And I legit said that I was just testing out prey right."

"Uh huh."

"And right before I left the room, he mumbled the word cute."


"Damn, wanna say that a bit louder so the whole city can hear you?"

Me and Christina have been sitting on the bleachers for the past 20 minutes talking and smoking while waiting for the boys to come. Christina said that they were still in basketball practice or whatever so we decided to come out here to wait for them so that we could go get lunch together.

While we were waiting for the boys, I decided to tell Christina about what happened when I met Derrick today. Yet of course she can't hold her excitement in for too long. I highly doubt Derrick likes me though. I mean we just met today and everything that he's heard about me was pretty much things that you think would make someone turn away from you once they meet you. I mean he did kind of play along with the slight flirting I did but that doesn't mean anything.

Me and Christina just continued to talk for a tad bit longer before we saw the boys walking out of the building and heading over to us.

"Are you girls ready to go?" Andre asked as he lit his own cigar as he and Aaron walked up to us.

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