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"Yeah, like that. Now all you have to do is divide it by the square root and you'll have your answer."

"Is this the right answer? I feel like I ain't doing that last part right." Derrick asked me as he looked back over his final step to make sure his answer was correct.

Me and Derrick have been at the school library studying for the past half hour. Right now it's free period for him and lunch for me so I figured this would be the best time for us to do this during the school day because doing all my other free periods I meet up with Andre and them and he has class.

I looked over Derrick's shoulder at his paper to see what it was that he got as his answer.

"Yeah, that's the answer."

"Good, that means I'm done with that then."

"Ok, well then what's the next assignment or do you want to study some more for the test?"

"Actually, I was wondering if we could take a break?" Derrick asked me as he placed his finished papers into his bag.

"Oh ok, we can just pick back up when you come over for your tutor session tonight then." I said as I went to get up from my seat. However, I was stopped by Derrick grabbing my wrist lightly.

I turned around and looked at him as I waited for him to speak. He looked down as he removed his hand from my wrist.

"I ment, could we just talk and get to know each other a bit?"

Is he crazy? Yesterday he called me cute and flirted with me at the house but he knows I'm a player and now he wants to get to know me? Um yeah sorry bud but that just ain't me. And since when do people actually want to get to know me? Normally they legit just want to sleep with me because I'm popular, hot, and basically have a lot of money.

"Um, what?"

"Will you allow me to get to know you?"

"The fuck? Hell no!"

"Why not?"

"Because I don't do that shit."

I rolled my eyes as I stood up and grabbed my bag. I started walking away but was once again stopped by his hand grabbing my wrist. I tugged my hand away as I turned around to face him with my arms crossed. He had a small devilish smirk on his face as we locked eyes. I raised a brow as I waited.

"You know, you shouldn't be so feisty and stubborn. Getting to know someone could help you in the long run."

"I'm sorry, but are you telling me how to be a player?"

"If the shoe fits then yeah."

"Ha! You're funny. You don't know a thing about me or what I do and how I do it. I mean I'm not at the top of my game for nothing."

"Sweetheart, you're only at the top of your game because of your money and looks. That's why everyone is after you, which is what makes it easy for you."

"That is not the only way."

"Oh really? Please then, prove it to me."

I scoffed as I uncrossed my arms and put them on my hips. I then looked away as I tried to think. I mean yeah he has a point and of course I know that that is the main factor in it but a lot of people probably did actually like me... right? I mean I never actually stayed in a relationship long enough to find out.

I mean, I've had a few people ask me out but I either just rejected them or they were already someone I planned on playing. Truthfully, I'm not a playgirl just because I have fun making the bets or because I enjoy playing people, it's actually because I was done wrong so many times myself that I eventually just became that kind of person.

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