Chapter 2 - A Mysterious Village

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A gentle cool breeze brushed against Emily's cheeks and she slowly opened her eyes to look at the dark overcast sky engulfed in the jutting bare tree branches like she was in a haunted forest. She sat up slowly and looked around and she was definitely in a forest, stranded, and it was too black to see where the crashed coach had landed, but it was palpable that she had fallen out of it after it hit the ground. Goddamn it, what do I do now? She wondered and picked up her small shoulder bag and examined it.

Everything inside was still intact to her surprise, and she didn't feel any injuries on her body but felt a cut on her left cheek and forehead that must have come in contact with the brambles during the fall. This can't be possible, there's no way I could just fall out of a crashing train car and not hurt a little somewhere! She thought as she turned and walked towards what she thought was the direction where the crash site was, then her foot came down on something hard and metallic, making an unpleasant crunching noise.

Kneeling down to see what was underfoot, in the darkness she picked up a slim device with freshly cracked glass. Emily didn't need a flashlight to realize that that was her cellphone that she had just stepped on. It must have fallen out of her pocket during the crash. She sighed, there wasn't going to be any service out in the middle of the mountains and forest anyway, and for a long time, she had been planning to get rid of her phone since it was possible she could eventually be tracked by the organization that was looking for her. Technology was notorious for that. Discarding it to the ground, she kept walking and made her way up a slope of snow.

The climb must have taken a while due to the snow being so deep and Emily already felt exhausted. If the crash site was at the top of his hill, then she must have been extremely lucky to have slid out of the coach and into the soft snow below if she didn't sustain any serious injuries other than a few cuts on her face. Was there something else about her power that she didn't know about? She couldn't afford to think about that now that her only focus was getting somewhere safe before word broke out and search parties arrived.

Scraps of metal lay at her feet as her eyes adjusted to the darkness once she reached the top and soon Emily could see embers on the branches up ahead, she broke into a run and there she found the crashed coach. Windows were shattered, chairs scattered, and Emily peered into one of the openings.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" No answer, Emily leaned in further, and then remembered something, she dug into her purse and pulled out a small flashlight and flicked it on. The light was small but strong enough for her to see the damage inside, but what disturbed her was the blood dripping on the broken walls, she stepped carefully over fallen chairs, pillars, and then soon to her horror did she see people, covered in blood. One of them, she approached carefully and gently turned him over. She recognized his face, it was the man she spoke to on the train earlier who told her the tales of this region and she still pondered if any of those were existent.

"Sir, can you hear me? Ouch!" when she check his pulse, the bite of a glass shard tasted her palm. It was sticking out from the side of the man's and was so small that her flashlight missed it other than the gushing blood on the floor.

On the nearby wall was a first aid kit that remained in place, Emily stepped over the nearby corpses to reach it, their bodies were covered in black patches. I did this, I struck them with my own lightning... fuck, I never wanted to! But I was so afraid... Emily thought as she took the kit from the damaged wall and applied some gauze to her hand and wrapped it tightly. Then she took some other bandages and applied them to the cuts on her face.

Why the hell did I try checking to see if he had survived? Of course, he didn't! All these people were struck by my power, I'm such an idiot, Emily's tears started to flow, it was devastating every time this happened and every little accident made her feel worse to a point where she wished she died along with her mother that day. But, she had survived, matured, and now her only instinct was to continue forward, sobbing inside the crash site would get her nowhere and she needed to keep moving. It was better to find a place where she could be concealed, not found.

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