Chapter 16 - False Children

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The laughter made Emily tremble. She had heard this voice before, the first day in the village after she woke inside the chamber with the other lords present. She looked left and right, clutching the triggers on the artillery's weapons, eager to fire at this mysterious force.

"Emily Azure Tempest, so it is true after all," the woman's voice spoke this time.

"Who are you?"

She laughed again, almost scoffing at her victim's alertness to her impending torment and inability to aim quickly with her weapon.

"You should know very well who I am, storm angel,"

That's not the first time someone has called me that, but why? Emily thought as she then saw before her the swarm of crows took the shape of a beautiful woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties. She had long auburn hair and wore a lab coat with a blouse and casual pants. Her face was very familiar and Emily felt like until the present, she barely remembered it until she saw it. Mom? No, it can't be, my mom is dead!

The woman spoke, "Tragic, isn't it? If only I truly was who you see before you. Then maybe you wouldn't possess such abilities that are a threat to my plans,"

Emily wanted to ask what these plans were but the woman disappeared again briefly and then the familiar jingling rang out and she tilted her head to the right to spot that walking alongside the artillery was the crazy hag she saw in the village.

"And yet I had hoped you'd be taken care of before even crossing the Atlantic to a desolate place like this. You should have never been born!" the hag cackled, talking normally for a change but hearing such insults was unsettling.

"Shut up!" Emily yelled, firing the cannon this time at the hag but the figure transformed into a flock of crows again and vanished and the explosion from the weapon hit the grassy ground instead.

The figure appeared seconds later in the form of Emily's mother again. "No one loves you, and no one ever will. Now that I see that Dimitrescu was right, I never should have entrusted Heisenberg to you after all!"

Emily stared at this imitation that stood before her and then the fear was rising inside her, "What? What are you... wait.... you're..."

But before she could speak further, the woman transformed again, turning to her true form. It was Mother Miranda, her many great wings spread, the staring eye on the golden ring above her head glared, and this time, the golden mask normally upon her face was absent. It was a very young and beautiful visage but that did not change the fact that it was Miranda, whom Heisenberg despised and whom Emily feared would learn of her power.

She laughed again, "Heisenberg was the most splendid result of my experiments, albeit an unfit vessel. I would have hoped he would have disposed of you when given a chance, and now I know I was wrong. He now possesses the most powerful weapon he needs to rebel against me!"

First Heisenberg and now you, this is getting old! "Don't you fucking start it too! I'm not a weapon!"

Miranda grinned as her wings folded behind her, "We're all weapons here, you, me, Heisenberg, this entire village is full of bioweapons, even the most primitive. Do you really think that strapped in that invention you are able to hide who you really are? Storm angel, awakened after birth from such a tragedy, have you ever once contemplated that David Tempest wanted this to happen on that very day when you recall it?"

My father? No, he didn't do anything other than run all those damn tests on me! Emily thought, aiming the cannon at Miranda. "What are you talking about?" was all she managed to say, gingerly, if Miranda said anything more, the trigger could be pulled in seconds.

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