Episode 10: A Bold Rematch, Dynamite Bomber Vs. Bold Riptide!

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Valt: End this, Savior Slash!!

(Savior Valkyrie speeds up and slashes at Belial with its Rubber Blades causing Belial to burst instantly)

Bell: *Gasps*

Referee: It's Savior Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt Aoi is the Winner!!

Hanami: And the Champion stands his ground! He's defeated two of the Highest Rising Bladers instantly with his New Powerful DB Beyblade, Savior Valkyrie!!

Bell: *Laughs* Valt, your Savior Valkyrie is Powerful. But The Demon King is the Winner of this battle since he'll upgrade his Belial to defeat you!!

Valt: *Smiles* I'll be waiting for you. An Upgraded Belial, wonder what it'll be like.

Basara (Thoughts): Both Bell and Pierce are getting stronger with each battle. Eventually, I'll just be there to help them with Practice. But I want to get Stronger too!

Ranzo: What're you blabbing about, Demon King? You lost that battle and I saw it with my own eyes!

Me: Yeah! Why don't you actually try winning a battle before you announce your victory!!

Bell: I'm already going to win Next Time I battle Valt so I'm just giving him an early warning!

Basara: I'm leaving.

(Basara gets up and starts walking away as Ranzo stares at him in Confusion)

Hanami: *Gasps* We're getting a message from the Commissioner for the WBBA! I wonder what it's about?!

 Valt (Thoughts): The WBBA Commissioner? Looks like someone's been watching Bell and Pierce's recent battles. 

Bell: The WBBA Commissoner? What does he want?!

(A Person covered in a Black Silhouette appears on the Screen)

???: So these are the Bladers who were able to pose a challenge against Free De La Hoya and Valt Aoi. Pierce Atsushi... Bell Daikokuten.

Ranzo: He's talking about you, Amigo. I wonder what he's thinking about.

Me: What do you mean?

Ranzo: He probably has a Big Match planned if he reached out to El Santo.

???: I have an Idea! I am proposing a Ranked Battle challenge between Pierce Atsushi and Bell Daikokuten! The Demon King Vs. The Olympian Hero! It'll be held Right Now and the Winner will receive a Very Special Surprise from Me.

Bell: *Smiles* The Demon King accepts this challenge and will send the Olympian Hero into the Abyss!!

Me: The Olympian Hero will prove to you which one is Superior, The King or the Hero!!

???: Then it's settled. Our two Bladers will be battling it out to decide who is the Superior Blader. *Laughs* I'll be taking my leave now but Pierce and Bell will see me soon enough.

(The Black Silhouette Glitches away as the Spotlight hits Me and Bell)

Hanami: You heard the Commissioner himself! A battle between Pierce Atsushi and Bell Daikokuten is being held right now! So let's get right into this!!

Bell: Pierce, you'd better put up an Amazing Fight! The Demon King demands that you do your Best!!

Me: The Olympian Hero will bring you down. You'd better watch out because I'm not holding anything back!

~In BC Sol's Hallways~

Basara: I've got to get even stronger than Bell and Pierce. I don't know how I'll do that but I've just gotta become Stronger!

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