Episode 15: The Unseen Shogun, Vagabond Yamato!

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~On The Zeppelin as Rashad Vs. Yuuki is about to start~

Yuuki: So you use a Red Savior Valkyrie?

Rashad: Yeah. What's it to you?

Yuuki: So that means if I defeat you, I'll be able to defeat Valt?

Rashad: No. Valt's way ahead of me but you're not defeating me!

Drone: First Battle!

Yuuki: The Bey that'll crush you is Vagabond Yamato!

Rashad: Valkyrie will defeat you! 

Drone: Time for each Bladers to inspect each other's Beys!

Yuuki: No.

Rashad: Excuse me?!

Wakiya: What did he say?

Yuuki: It'll be more fun if we don't know anything about Our Beys.

Rashad: He asked us to inspect each other's Beys!!

(Yuuki's Resonance Aura flares up as he stares down Rashad seriously)

Rashad: *Gasps*

Wakiya: I will not be disrespected like--

Valt: Wakiya, let it be.

Wakiya: But--

Valt: I feel like this battle's going to be interesting.

Hanami: And I'm your MC again Boys and Girls! Let's start this battle off!!

Yuuki (Thoughts): I'll go in Attack Mode with the I Tabs behind the wings on the Bottom.

(Yuuki adjusts his Bey in Attack Mode as he stares Rashad down)

Rashad (Thoughts): I'll crush you with The Ultimate Valkyrie. You're just a stepping stone in my way to defeat Valt Aoi.

Drone: Ready? Set!

All: 3! 2! 1! 

Rashad/Yuuki: Go, Shoot!!

(Both Bladers pull off Powerful Dynamite Shoots as Explosions boom out of the Launcher)

Rashad: Start things off with Rush Shoot!!

Yuuki: *Yawns* Don't let it through if you want.

(Valkyrie and Yamato hit each other with a Powerful Barrage of attacks, Yamato counters all Valkyrie's Attacks)

Hanami: Yamato easily counters all of Valkyrie's Strikes!

Rashad: Grr!!

Me: Keep going, Yamato!

Bell: Blow Rashad away!

Rashad: Knock them out, Savior Slash!!

(Valkyrie's Rubber Blades glow brightly as it starts clashing wildly with Yamato, Yuuki would sit and play around with his hair as Yamato gets sent flying back and ricochets off the wall)

All: *Gasps* It survived Savior Slash?!

Hanami: And Yamato survived Valkyrie's Most Powerful Attack!

Yuuki: Now, Vagabond Slash.

(Yamato speeds up as its Blades glow, Yamato slams into Valkyrie at Full Power sending it flying out of the stadium and bursting it right as it hits the ground)

Me/Bell: It took Valkyrie down in One Hit?!

Drone: It's Vagabond Yamato with an Over Finish! Yuuki Katagiri claims 1 Point!!

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