Episode 13: Tremor at Beigoma Academy, Valkyrie Vs. Perseus!

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Me/Valt: Go, Shoot!!

(I pull off an Extremely Powerful Dynamite Shoot as Valt does the same)

Valt: Take 'em out, Savior Slash!!

Me: Go for it-- *Gasps*

(Perseus wobbles wildly as it speeds out of control slamming into the wall, Valkyrie slams into Perseus sending it flying into the air)

Me: No!!

Valt: End it, True Savior Slash!!

(Valkyrie slams into Perseus bursting it instantly, Pierce falls to the ground as it disappears under him and he falls into the Darkness)

Me: Give me one more chance! I can beat Valt!!

???: You'll never defeat Valt. Just face it. 

Me: This is seriously not cool!

(I wake up instantly as I shoot my body upwards, Everyone starts getting ready for the day)

Ranzo: Are you okay, Amigo? Looks like you were having some sort of dream.

Me: Yeah. I'm fine.

Bell: *Laughs* He was probably dreaming about how scary my win was against Valt!

Hannah: In your dreams, Bell!

Me: I'm fine, Bell you'd better lose so I can take on Valt!

Bell: The Demon King never loses. He'll win in a second!

Ranzo: Didn't you lose to Free, Valt, Pierce, Basara--

Bell: Shut it! Those were just preparations for a huge win!!

Hannah: Whatever you say, Demon King.

Basara (Thoughts): Bell and Pierce are serious about winning but I lost my battle to Valt instantly even with Roar Bahamut. I've got to start stepping up.

(Wakiya comes in the room with his tablet)

Wakiya: How's everyone doing this fine morning, ready for Bell and Valt's battle?

Me: Wakiya, I need to train for my battle with Valt! Is there any way I can?

Wakiya: I'm sorry but--

Bell: I trained with the VR Beyblade Room!

Me: What?!

Wakiya: Um... Well--

Me: Why were you holding out on me?!

Wakiya: Becuase The Baka King already broke it. But I do have another one in the Zeppelin's Basement but you've got to promise you won't break it!

Ranzo: Pierce will be able to keep it under control. But that'll mean you'll have to miss Bell's battle.

(Bell frowns as Pierce goes through his backpack and gets Bell's Belial Bread)

Me: I'll be supporting you from the Sidelines. Take this for good luck.

Bell: Hmp! I could care less that you're not going to see The Demon King's amazing victory! But you'd better train hard!

Basara: C'mon, Bell. You have a battle with Valt to get to.

Wakiya: I'll get you set up then leave for Bell's Battle!

~In The Zeppelin's Basement with the VR Beyblade Gear~

(I put on the Gear and put my Bey and Super Launcher onto the Machine as I put my Goggles over my Head)

Me: Wakiya, I'm ready to give this thing a try!

Wakiya: Alright. Remember this is a Virtual Simulation, this should match you and your Bey's Power, Abilities, and your overall Shoot Power. This is exactly the same with your Opponent. So I'm guessing you wanna battle Valt?

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