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I can't believe I saw Heather.But after all this years.Back in high school I had a crush on her.But she never liked me back.She was all over James.I mean she knew me but we never even talked but I already knew she was mute but I mean come on at least talk to me on a notepad or something.I was in her class and we were lab partners.But she left because she was almost killed and she was home schooled.So I never saw her after.She seemed pretty nice so I'm not sure why someone would do that to her.But I still like her after all these years.I tried to find her after college but I had no luck at all.But then I saw her at the funeral.I followed her but she was with this guy.But I followed her all the way to Beverly Hills and it's not creepy it's called true love.I found out we're she lived and left.I went home and I planed when to see her.I should go over two days before the funeral.And get to know her and how she was doing.Then after that I will ask her out and we will go on dates and I will get to know her and after a few years we will be marred and have are own kids and we will live together until we are die.Its the perfect plan.But I'm guessing what would happen.

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