Chapter 9: Things are Changing

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CW: dried blood, intense memories?? But not in detail 

Virgil groaned when he woke up. He curled up, hugging the blanket close as he tried to ease the pain he felt in his leg. His eyelids were heavy, and the rest of his body really didn't want to get up. Stupid iron, stupid hunters. Honestly he just wanted to stop all business with them, but taxes were still very much a thing.

His eyes opened when he heard the squeak of wheels right outside his door. Did Patton wake up before him? That was weird, Virgil always woke up before his brother.

Patton knocked before pushing the door open as the fairy sat up in bed. "How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Better," Virgil lied. Well, okay, his wing felt better and he was feeling stronger, but his leg still felt like hot coals were being pressed into it.

The human came closer to the bed. "And your leg?"

"Still not healed, but it's fine. Roman treated it, probably used some magic to keep away infections and so it heals fine." Virgil shrugged.

Patton's eyes lit up at the mention of the witch. "I can't believe we met him! I mean, it could have been in better circumstances, but he's such a mystery."

The fairy smiled, at least his brother was distracted. "He's not that much of a mystery anymore. We know the truth now." And so did the witch. Hopefully they can trust him.

"And he was so kind! And kinda cute."

"Patton! You have a boyfriend!"

"And he'll always be the only one for me, I love Logan to bits. But... that doesn't stop me from admitting when someone looks cute."

"Okay, yeah sure he's kind and cute. So was Darrell."

"Aw! And Darrell!" Patton held his face as he squealed slightly. "You got a little fox friend! He was so fluffy, did you see his tail?! I just wanna hug him!"

Virgil pulled his blanket back, swinging his feet off of the bed. He grabbed the stick he used to walk last night before carefully standing up. The bandage Roman had wrapped around his leg was stained red by dried blood.

"Are you sure you can walk?" Patton asked as the two left his room. "That still looks nasty."

"I should change out the bandage, but I promise it's fine! It doesn't even hurt that much."

Patton pouted. "I'm just worried. And you need to let me help you, I may be disabled but I can still help you."

"And you do! But I don't need your help all the time. My leg will heal, and everything will be back to normal in no time. Now come on, I'm hungry."

The human sighed as he followed. When will Virgil learn that he can tell when the fairy's not okay? When will he learn to ask for help?


Patton wiped away some sweat, accidentally smearing some dirt across his forehead. He threw some weeds into the bucket before digging some more out from the ground. He glanced over to Virgil, who had insisted on helping. Virgil's bucket was half way full, his face was flushed from the heat. At least, Patton hoped it was from the heat.

He turned away from him as he remembered when he first saw Virgil sick. When Virgil first arrived, they owned a lot of iron. There was so much in the barn that he wouldn't even go in there.

He didn't trust Patton or his parents at first, but during the first month he started living with them, he got weaker. They didn't notice at first, mostly because they wanted to give him space to process what he had gone through before they found him. Then one night during dinner, he passed out. He had a fever, and when he woke up he could barely move. They realized what was happening and moved everything made of iron to the barn, and cared for him until his strength returned. He trusted them a little more after that, and they got closer.

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