Chapter 37: Haha Gay

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CW: overwhelmed feelings at the end, this is a long one!

Darrell yipped as he ran ahead, urging the others to walk faster.

"Wait, you impatient little fox!" Roman called, guiding Virgil, who had been blind folded, through the trees. "We can't go as fast as you, even when we're running at full speed.

"It would be easier if I could see," Virgil reminded him.

"No, it's a surprise! You're going to like it, trust me!" He held on tight to the fairy's hand and pulled him out of the way of a tree. "Oh, watch your step, that's a big root."

Virgil moved slower as he gently tapped said root with his foot. He stepped over before continuing at a slightly less slower speed. He didn't like not seeing where he was stepping, but Roman really wanted it to be a surprise so...

"We're almost there!" Roman squeezed Virgil's hand in excitement. The fairy caught the smell of several different floral odors from somewhere and it grew stronger the more they walked.

"Okay okay okay!" Roman bounced on his feet, talking fast. "Take it off!"

Virgil smiled at his excitement before pulling off the blindfold. His eyes widened at the sight of the flowers. A small field of different kinds, the trees were thinner and few in the area even though the stream trickled by. Darrell ran through a part filled with dandelions, making the white seeds fly through the air as he rolled around.

"Oh wow..." Virgil awed, taking it all in.

"Isn't it so cool! I had a lot of seeds for some reason, and was able to revive some, then I created this! Do you like it?"

"It's... beautiful." The fairy hesitantly walked through, lightly touching some flower petals. "I've never seen so many flowers. How long did this take?"

"I spent a few days on it, slowly chipping away at it." Roman adjusted the backpack strap on his shoulder.

Virgil watched as some bees went inside a bell shaped flower, and hummingbirds drank from different kinds of flowers. "Guess that's why you've had the smell of dirt and pollen on you these last few days.

Roman laughed, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah... I wanted it to be perfect. Oh, um are you hungry?"

"Hungry?" The fairy looked back at him with a confused look.

The witch walked to the center of the flower garden, taking off his backpack. He pulled out a blanket and threw it in the air, using wind magic to lay it perfectly spread out on the ground. Then he pulled out a smaller bag, setting it in the middle and opening it to pull out some sandwiches.

"Nothing fancy, but it is around lunch time." He held out a sandwich to Virgil.

The fairy took it with a laugh, sitting down next to him. "I see you've been practicing wind magic."

The other blushed. "Yeah, I wanted to do some cool tricks with it."

Virgil looked down at their hands, though he didn't grab Roman's hand. Instead he placed it in his lap, looking around at the flowers. "This is so cool, I bet Patton would love it. He really likes flowers, and so does Miss Kayda."

"There's so many different kinds. Different colors, shapes, sizes... Then there are some that can be made into medicine, some into potions, and some poisons. None of these are poisonous of course, because I know Darrell will try to eat some." The witch glared at the fox, who already had a stem sticking out of his mouth. He yipped quietly, trying not to drop the flower.

Virgil giggled at the sight of the witch and fox staring each other down before Roman looked away. "You're going to need to tend to these flowers a lot then."

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