Epilogue: And They're a Sappy Married Couple Now

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Virgil tugged the carrot out of the ground, looking at it with a face of disgust before tossing it into the basket. He sat back with a sigh and wiped sweat off of his brow, looking at the rest of the field.

He smiled at the cool relief as a breeze blew by, making the leaves around him rustle. He kept his eyes closed as he felt his hair and feathers blow gently, pretending not to sense the animal behind him.

Paws took off from the ground and Virgil finally turned around, letting the fox jump onto him and push him to the ground with a laugh.

"Aw! You got me!" he said, giving Darrell a bunch of scratches.

The fox jumped off of him and yipped loudly.

"You did too, I'm laying in the dirt, aren't I?"

Darrell huffed, sitting down with a pout.

Virgil smiled even bigger at the laugh that came above him, since he still hasn't gotten out of the dirt yet. He held his arms out and felt warm hands grab his, pulling him up.

"Well it looks like you brought me an angel today, Darrell," Roman teased. "What are you doing out here so early, busy bee?"

"Just getting a bit of work done before you wake up," Virgil answered.

The witch looked down at the basket on the ground, wrinkling his nose. "Yuck, carrots."

"They bring in good money."

"You mean money we don't need with all the compensation gold the king gave our town and you?"

"I don't like that pity money." Virgil let go of Roman's hands and cleaned the dirt off of his wings. The dark purple feathers were big and full, completely healed.

"Yes well, it's been five years now and we still have plenty of it." Roman helped him, cleaning Virgil's other wing.

"Even after we spent so much of it on these pretty jewels." The fairy raised his hand to show the wedding band on his finger. Three jewels, a purple one, a red one, and a giant magenta one all on a silver ring. Roman had a matching one, though his ring was gold.

"You're going to lose that by working out here with it on."

"Good thing I had infused it with my magic so I can't lose it. The same with yours."

"Even though I don't see the point, since with our bond we'll never lose each other."

Virgil grabbed Roman by the hips, pulling him closer and making his face red. "No, never again." He gave him a small peck on his lips. "I just felt like it was tradition. And hey, if we ever get a kid then we'll give them something with our magic infused in it too."

Roman sighed, a smile forming quickly. "You know, we kinda already do."

"Sid doesn't count, she calls us Uncles."

"Well let's go clean up and get something to eat so we can see her later today."

Virgil picked up the basket of carrots. "Okay, just let me put these away first."

Roman took the basket from him. "I'll take care of that, go clean your wings."

The fairy rolled his eyes but made his way back to the house, followed by Roman. He went over to the kitchen and pulled out a bowl, comb, and washcloth. He used his magic to make some water rise from the barrel and go into the bowl.

Darrell ran into the kitchen, circling the fairy with a small yip before Roman walked over. Virgil rolled his eyes as Roman took the comb, the fairy soaking the washcloth.

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