Chapter 5

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The room became so quiet you could hear a pin drop on the carpets. The headmaster walked in and stood infront of his wooden podium. Today he was wearing a pale grey bejewelled robe with a matching hat. He cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Good morning to you all" Dumbledor called out "it's come to my attention that in the short time that you all have been here, there has been a rise in the cases of bullying"

The room was silent. Eyes were darting everywhere. I could feel two pairs burning holes into the back of my head.

"I have never tolerated bullying and I will not begin to do so now" Dumbledor continued "and so there will be considerable consequences for anyone caught bullying. There will be a weeks detention and a hundred points will be deducted from your houses"

Nervous whispers erupted throughout the hall. Dumbledor waited a moment before raising a hand and silencing the room again.

"Now, 200 hundred points will be deducted from Ravenclaw as two first year students were caught bullying another student" he says disappointed "let's hope that this serves as a warning for you all"

With that, he dismissed us so that we could finish our breakfast and go to class. McGonagal gave me a knowing look as I left the hall. Fred had his hand in mine while George caressed my lower back. We walked together, collecting a few strange looks from some students. But for once I didn't feel as self conscious about it.
Transfiguration was an interesting class. We started by turning our pets into goblets. I dont think I'm the biggest fan of it, and Halo didn't seem to be either. She'll definitely be getting extra pellets tonight.

"Now class, before I dismiss you, you may practice this spell in your free time. But do try to give your animals a break" She warns "they too have feelings"

And with that we have fifteen minutes before Charms.

"Well I need my Charms book" I say as we leave the classroom

"Us too" George says cheerfully "we should probably grab some spare clothes for your room too"

"That sounds good" I laugh "Percy looked at me like I had grown three heads this morning"

The boys both had a little chuckle to themselves.

"I'll meet you at my room" I say giving them a little wave

Fred looked at me a little puzzled.

"Just going to the bathroom first" I smile

I wasn't exactly desperate for the bathroom so I didn't rush there. Besides I hadn't gone this way to the bathroom before so I was extra careful not to get lost. I found the bathroom and did my business and just as I was washing my hands I noticed two girls standing behind me.

"Well if it isn't the filthy mud-blood who snitched on us" girl #1 sneers

"What are the chances, hey Stacey?" Girl #2 smirks

"What do you want?" I ask snippily, not enjoying the fact that it's just us in here

"We have detention because of you" Stacey seethes

"Actually, you have detention because of your own poor choices" I say carefully, watching their body language

"What do you say Clara? Should we teach her a lesson?" Stacey asks the other girl while drawing her wand

With a twisted grin, Clara also drew her wand. They had them pointed directly at me. I felt my heart rate pick up and the familiar sensation of adrenaline pulsing through me. There was no point going for my own wand. It was basically nothing more than a pretty stick at this moment. Before either one could open their mouth to utter a spell or curse, I threw my Transfiguration book at Clara. Catching her completely by surprise. I used that little time I bought for myself to step forward and punch Stacey as hard as I could in the face. I felt her nose crunch under the force of my fist collidingwith her face. She cried out in pain and I snatched her wand from her. I turned to focus on Clara and she took a step back.

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