Side Chapter 2 - Part F - The Gateway and the Running Joke Begins

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I don't own Percy Jackson or any characters associated with the books they are found in. Rick Riordan is their rightful creator, I'm just playing around in his universe to get better at writing. 

You will not believe how long it took to figure out a chapter title. It was difficult for this chapter, and I'm still not sure that what I have chosen is the best. I'll keep it though. This chapter goes on for a total of 13966 words (yep, the second very long chapter in a single day). At least this one was easier to go through, though I ended up rewriting almost the entire chapter when I didn't need to. So, if you find any current mistakes, it would be because it has been rewritten in the past few days. I hope you enjoy it, and feel free to comment what you are feeling as you go along. I'm working on my character building skills, and I think that it is most prominent in the final scene of this chapter.

Previously on NEIAIS:

It takes at least another seven minutes before they finish writing everything down and we go into the other room. Before they talk to me, they discuss among each other the main points and check that nothing has been missed; and it is all in the language I still don't understand, which I'm getting frustrated about. Following that, the next forty minutes is used as time to reflect on how I went with everything today. Shock, surprise and curiosity are shown quite a lot as they discuss my skills in all of the examinations I did.

Following this, the mindlink connection between us all is established, but not before they explain everything in deep detail and make sure I understand it all. Once it is there, and I am briefly accustomed to its presence on the edge of my mind, I poke and prod around it. I find that it is like the temporary mental connections I have had with the gods in the past, and it is almost exactly like the one I have with Void nowadays. The only difference is that my connection with Void is much stronger and harder to detect, even appearing as if it isn't there to myself.

Side-Chapter 2 – Part F – The Gateway and the Running Joke Begins

Percy's POV

It has officially been five days since I began to stay on the planet with the Primordials. It is only official because it is the amount of time that has passed for the rest of the universe. But with the assistance of time, I have been off Earth for about a month, which I have made sure to use to my advantage, greatly.

Over the time period I have been here, I have learnt more about the universe than I ever thought possible. The Primordials, assassins and leaders have been surprised by the speed I pick all the information up at but are certainly pleased with it. It has allowed them to accelerate the speed of my learning, and even if they are unaware of it, I am still holding back. Especially so when I am around them, to enter.

In my room, when I am not asleep or thinking over all I have learnt so far, I'm simply learning furthermore. I grab books from the library that has strict confidentiality, only allowing a specific few inside. I am grateful that I am allowed access to it as an assassin, as well as the records room. It makes my personal learning and study much easier.

The library I have access to has more information stored inside than the other two in the palace. The library with the least information, due to precautions and restrictions, is open to the entire universe. The second is open to all members of the army, as well as specific members of the public, but only if they have permission from one of the Council – made up by the Primordials, assassins, army leaders and the secondary commanders. For the most informative library, the public and members of the army need special permission from the Primordials, and only them.

The books and scrolls I take out cover a large variety of topics. History, scientific projects, the universe, different class species, laws and much more that I wouldn't be able to list in three hours. It is just the sheer amount of information I have stored inside my mind, even if it takes a while to properly absorb and understand it all.

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