Chapter 16 - The War Hero

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or the Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does!

Percy's POV

My heart is beating in my chest. My hands are fidgety, not wanting to stay still. My blood is pumping faster, making me take a deep breath to try to calm down.

What is there to calm down about though? It's not like an enemy army is about to be heard or seen approaching at any minute. Wrong!

I look at my surroundings. Most of us are at the Fields of Mars, located at Camp Jupiter, the Roman demigod camp. The demigods and others who aren't here, are going to be guarding New Rome, Camp Half-Blood and any other areas important to us all, which also includes the Gateway.

The rest of us are all here, as I know that Order is going to teleport the monsters here or they are going to be coming from over the Berkeley Hills. The campers who are located anywhere besides the field of Mars, is so that they can defend the city and any young or old people inside if the monsters get past us.

The sun which is shining down on us all, is a dull colour, showing that the deities of the sun here don't believe that we can completely win. The sky has a few rain clouds around, so that when we fight, the ones who can control water don't have to find a large source or take it out of thin air. The trees which are spread out around us all look to be weeping and sad, seeming to know what is happening.

Ohh, let's not forget this other part. Chaos has a fraction of his army here, to help out. By a fraction of his army, I mean close to around 10,000 soldiers, all of which are experienced fighters.

We have a pretty good chance of winning, but not a definite. Because as we wait, and I haven't told anyone this yet, I know that Order has blessed some monsters so that they are stronger and even harder to beat.

Everyone is watching our surroundings carefully, waiting for what is to come. They are all trembling slightly in anticipation, waiting for the horrors of what's to come. Waiting for our defeat. Waiting for all hope to be lost. Well, everyone besides the ones who know who I really am as Omega.

The ones who know who I am, know that I have a plan. They know that I know things that they don't. They know that with me on their side, I will not rest or stop until the evil is gone. Though right now, I can tell that they are all thinking of the prophesy, all wandering what it means. They know that I know what it means, but I haven't told anyone, even with how much they beg and ask.

I then hear the 'thump, thump, thump' of tens of thousands of feet marching towards us in unison, what I can hear because of my excellent hearing. I know that no one else has heard it yet, but they will in a second.

I turn around to face everyone behind me, as I'm in front of everyone. They all look at me, wandering why I turned around, going completely silent.

"Brace yourselves. The enemy is almost upon us. Any second now, you will hear them approaching." I shout so that everyone can hear me. "Do not fear though. They may have more numbers then us, they may be stronger than us, but we can still win. Now I'm warning you all now; some of the monsters may have Order's blessing. You will be able to tell if they do, because they will have a white aura surrounding them. If you see that aura, stay clear of them. Do not engage. I repeat: DO. NOT. ENGAGE! Leave them to the Primordials and myself."

I then turn back around to the sound of an army marching in rhythm towards us, closer and closer. I hear the Gods and Primordials gasp, probably hearing how many there are. About 48 seconds later, I hear everyone else gasp. Everyone must have heard the now approaching army.

After a few more minutes, we see them approach. The first lines of monsters are visible. Common monsters. We watch as even more monsters approach. The more common monsters are in front and the more dangerous and rare ones are behind. They plan to tire us out before killing us all. They then stop, leaving an extremely large gap between us and them.

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