Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie & Loona (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons)

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TW: Mentions of Violence & Death, Implied Home Invasion, Mentions of Stalking, Emotional Manipulation, Toxic Mindsets.

A.N. - Why are these some of the longest headcanons I've ever written? There was a lot to unpack here.


Despite indulging in a few from time to time, Blitzo takes great offence at any slights against their friend's intelligence and appearance as if the insults were directed at himself. Snide remarks from random demons are met with a slew of aggressive jabs, and if the demon refuses to capitulate, either Moxxie or Millie are obliged to convince Blitzo that he won lest he attacks. Loona is inclined to entertain their friend with a funny video on her cell phone and walk away with them while leaving her adoptive father in the heart of a vicious fistfight.

Blitzo enables every harmful and self-destructive impulse that flies in their friend's mind, wanting to accompany them on any binges and escapades that happen as a result to prove that he still likes them at their worst. He believes it to be a form of bonding, but this careless indulgence begets much criticism from Moxxie. As the imp argues that Blitzo is projecting his own insecurities onto their friend and monopolizing their time, Millie offers their friend a bit of relaxation away from the I.M.P headquarters with the help of Loona.

The assassins are persistent in requesting that their friend lives with one of the duos. Moxxie and Millie come from a place of -- generally undue -- concern for their wellbeing and a desire to protect, while Blitzo and Loona inherently distrust and dislike the possibility of them living with anyone outside of the company. The least intrusive option that the group is willing to begrudgingly accept is moving their friend to the same street as either Moxxie and Millie or Blitzo and Loona.

If their friend is determined to live alone, expect constant visits from an uninvited Blitzo desperate to be around them even if that means climbing through the window or picking the lock on the front door. Any loud noises or prolonged silences earn a worried phone call from Moxxie, and should he catch his boss, Moxxie scolds him for invading their privacy despite most likely having come over himself at this point.

Although one half's overprotective instincts clash with the other half's belligerent lack of boundaries, the assassins are capable of teamwork due to sharing the common goal of preserving their friend's safety. When in public, one member engages with their friend while the remaining members obstruct anyone who tries to interrupt or harass them. The assassins take turns dominating their attention with unique activities, ranging from Millie teaching them self-defence to Loona just enjoying the fact that they are talking to her about anything.


Moxxie and Millie invite their partner to join them on date nights, which Blitzo inevitably crashes after observing from the shadows for an hour or two. Though her frustration with being excluded is obvious, Loona prefers not to stalk. Instead, she filters her emotions through periodic outbursts and an especially hostile attitude towards whoever got to spend the day with them.

Blitzo is drawing his pistol and Loona is preparing to close her jaws on someone's skull when an insult is hurled at their partner, and Millie is sharpening her battle-axe as soon as they sniffle or cower in the presence of anyone. Moxxie requires a more profound rationale before he is ready to go on the offensive. Disrespect is the quickest way to ignite his temper, which is evidenced by him dumping the idea of diplomacy in favour of demands for the offender to back down.

If the offender is among the living, Blitzo employs the tracking services of Loona, who has no qualms about aiding and abetting the murder after hearing her adoptive father's dramatized retelling of the alleged crime. After the deed is done and cannot be reversed, gales of bragging occur as Blitzo expects their partner's undying gratitude for terminating that fool. Loona is more withdrawn in her quest for their admiration, sticking to passing comments about how terrible of a person the victim was and how they had it coming.

The freelance business is a recurring topic in conversations with Blitzo, as he sees I.M.P as the shining achievement of his life. Much to Moxxie's disapproval, Blitzo routinely offers a free killing and pressures their friend to give him a target so he can demonstrate his superior marksmanship. For anyone who is a significant enough thorn in their flesh to mention by name or other identifiable information, Blitzo pursues with deadly intent. However, he will settle for maiming if his time is restricted or the victim's non-lethal pain is sufficiently amusing to him.

Moxxie confronts him about hunting without first discussing it with the group, and Millie seconds her husband's stance if their partner expresses displeasure with the taller imp's behaviour. Should the only one who has reservations about the deaths be Moxxie, then he accepts that their partner wanted these individuals gone. Still, he asks that all attacks on their foes be pre-approved by the group in the future.

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