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"Ah, McCharmly, my favorite bachelor!" John exclaimed as his friend walked out of the dressing room, hair combed neatly and slicked back, dressed up in a fancy, new tuxedo. "The only one I know at the moment, but my favorite anyway!"

"Thanks. Means a lot," Paul said absentmindedly.

His thoughts weren't focused on himself at the moment, nor were they on his best man. Paul was much too worried about his sweaty palms to really think about much else, you see. He was having a serious internal debate: do I wipe them on my pant legs or do I leave them alone, do I wipe them on my pant legs or do I leave them alone...or do I find something else to wipe them on?

"Hey, listen up," John said, noticing his derailing train of thought and placing his hands on his shoulders, shaking him a little to bring him back to reality. "Don't you freak out on me. Don't freak out on anyone, for that matter. Just focus on you and Jane. You're getting married, Paul, you hear that? Nothing else should be as important to you right now, yeah?"

"Ohhhhh, man," Paul exhaled deeply and nervously. "I'm getting married."

"Yeah, you are. Just repeat after me: the only thing that matters right now is Jane."

"The... The only thing that matters right now is Jane."

"Good," John smirked contently.

"Oh, man, John, I'm getting married!"

"Not good," he corrected himself, seeing that Paul was on the verge of panicking. "Calm down, McCharmly, please. You said it yourself. The only thing that matters is Jane, and I'm sure she's thinking the same about you. It'll all work out for the best."

"Ohhhhh man..."

"And could you stop saying that?"


"Right, right, sorry, just...just calm down..."

The door opened and shut, and in entered two more of Paul's groomsmen and friends. Before they even spoke, Paul could tell they'd both put more effort into their looks than John; he could even tell they'd combed their mustaches, and as nervous as he was, he appreciated that more than he let off.

"Hey," greeted Ringo with a smile. "Everyone managed to make it, Paul, you know that? Freda, Mal, Neil, Mo, Zak, Pattie, Cynthia, Julian, Brian, Mike, your dad, Jane's parents, and Peter and Clare, Jane's siblings. They're all here."

He was aware that everyone had cleared their schedules for the wedding, and was grateful for that, too. It was more than just them, actually. The entire building they were preparing in was absolutely packed.

"And... And everyone's happy? They like our venue and all?"

"Sure do," Ringo answered him. "Julian and Zak in particular."

"Well... Other than the fans. I'm sure they aren't really enjoying themselves right about now," George added.

Paul was planning to marry his girlfriend, Jane Asher, in a scenic garden in Romania, where they'd always wanted to go together. So, really, the remarkable thing wasn't how everyone managed to get some free time to attend his wedding, but how they got to another country for it.

"Hey, hey, he's got enough on his mind already, Georgie," John chuckled. "He needs to keep his composure and stay charming, or else my entire speech for the reception will be pointless."

"How many McCharmly jokes are in it, John?" Mike, Paul's little brother and the fourth and final groomsman, asked as he walked in.

"One too many, I'm sure," Ringo said.

"There's no such thing as one too many McCharmly jokes, Starkey."

Mike laughed, then turned to his brother, "I was sent to get you to come out. It's time."


"Man," John finished for Paul.

They all laughed lightheartedly, Paul's nervousness growing at an alarmingly fast rate, as they headed out of the building and out into the expertly and beautifully decorated garden in which Paul would walk out of a married man...or so he thought.

The ceremony was going along smoothly and everyone watching was smiling. Paul couldn't believe how stunning Jane looked in her white dress; her orange hair clashed with it yet complimented it. He'd never before noticed what a gorgeous color her eyes were. It was as though she was a new person, or he was just a blind man who's eyes were finally opened to the world.

He wasn't nervous anymore by the time the vows rolled around, he was only happy, confident he'd picked the right girl to be with.

"Jane," he began. "The first time I saw you was when I was sitting at home with my father one day, having a much-needed break after a long day of work. You were on the television, and I remember saying to him that I bet you were lovely in real life and had a lovely personality. I'd like to say now that my guess was off; an understatement. Jane, dear, you're much more than lovely. You're easily the best girl I've ever met, and the only one I've had eyes for in a long time. I don't think I'll ever have eyes for another, actually. I found the love I was always looking for with you." She began lightly crying here, and Paul just smiled and continued, his voice soft, meaningful, and heartfelt, "You're wonderful, Jane. I would climb mountains for you and try to do the impossible if you asked me to, I really would. Anything to make you see how special you are to me. You're closer to me than Martha, and that's saying something." The crowd chuckled. "I just want to promise you, Jane, that I'll always treat you right; the way you deserve. As long as you're with me, you'll be the only girl I'll ever have these feelings for." His smile grew. "I love you, Jane. With all my heart. And if you love me, too, I can promise I'll love you forever and beyond. Thank you for all you've done for me."

As Paul finished his vows, he saw that Jane was still crying. At first, he thought it was because he'd moved her, and he beamed with happiness, but when she saw him beaming and only cried harder, he knew something was wrong. She was crying very hard now, hard enough for every last guest in the garden to hear.

He took a step forward and gently asked, "...Jane?"

But she stepped back, away from him. He felt his heart snap into two massive halves as she sobbed, "I-I-I'm sorry, Paul... I-It's not like that..."

"Wait... What do you mean?"

She shook her head frantically and choked out, "I can't do this... I-I'm sorry, so sorry..."

Then, she took off running back down the aisle and out of the garden. The people in the audience stood up and gasped, turning to watch her as she left, leaving Paul to stand helplessly in front of them all. It was quiet for a long moment.

Then, John, knowing his friend's broken heart was crumbling into more pieces, carefully said, "Oh, man, Paul, I--"

"Save it," Paul said flatly. "It's over anyway." The audience was staring at him now, causing him to shout, "Hear that? Show's over, folks! Tell me, how was her 'I love you' act? Because I certainly bought it!"

Maureen, Ringo's wife, called out to him, "Paul, it's alright, it--"

"It's not alright!" Paul was crying now, too. "It's not!"

He ripped off his tie and slammed it down on the grass, then stormed off back to the building he'd gotten ready in.

He never wanted to feel so abandoned, so broken, so lonely, so betrayed ever again, and only one thing could cause that kind of pain. Love.

Paul made more vows that day.

But these weren't to Jane.

These were to himself and for what he thought was his own wellbeing.

He vowed he would never let himself love anyone like he loved Jane ever again.

And he kept them...for a few months. Because one fateful day outside of Abbey Road studios, it would all change.

But for better or for worse? I'll let you decide.

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