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The next day, of course, though, Carmen chickened out of asking Paul about their possible future as a couple. But as the next few shows came and went and they found themselves getting closer and closer to Durham, she knew she had to act quickly, and was presented with the perfect opportunity to do so.

That's right. The bus broke down as they were on their way to the band's seventh concert.

Paul went over to Mal, who was examining the engine, as everyone started to spread apart and settle in temporarily. He saw Carmen out of the corner of his eye sitting cross-legged beside the vehicle with Julian and Zak, telling them some story and watching them laugh at what she was saying. She really was different than Jane, that was for certain.

"Are we going to get moving again any time soon?" Paul asked.

Mal shoved a wrench his way. "If you're planning on helping and not just standing there."

He sighed, accepting the wrench and leaning over to help him with the engine, unable to focus on much else besides the laughter of the two little children and Carmen's smooth, kind voice being the cause of it, even when Mal scolded him for not paying attention to the directions he was giving him.

By the time things were finally repaired, everyone had been so nestled in that they decided to wait a few more minutes just as a pit stop of a sort before getting back on the road. Now, Julian and Zak were off playing with their fathers while Carmen was standing with Cynthia, Freda, Pattie, and Maureen. Maureen had insisted on doing her hair despite her laughter-laced protests, and ended up doing so, braiding it carefully and neatly as the girls exchanged pleasant conversation. When Maureen was finished, she tucked a flower behind Carmen's ear just for the heck of it and they all laughed.

As they all reentered the bus a few moments later, she stayed behind to meet up with Paul. "Those boys really are sweethearts," she said, referring to Julian and Zak, who were now asking Ringo if he'd give them piggyback rides.

Paul chuckled. "Yeah. Your hair looks nice, by the way."

"Oh, thank you. I never really bother with it more than what's necessary, but Maureen seemed to want to mess around with it so much that I had to let her."

"I'm glad you did," he smiled. "Not to say that it doesn't always look great, because it does, I just... I really like it." She returned the smile, and he thought of how genuinely great she was in general...and then accidentally blurted these thoughts out and was thoroughly embarrassed despite the speed of his words making it sound like a jumbled mess, "Youareliterallysoamazingyouhavenoideaireallylikeyou."

Carmen grinned upon realizing what exactly he said, then replied, "If that's the case, are you ever going to ask me out?"

"Doesn't sound like too bad of an idea," he shrugged. "H-How about it, then?"

"Doesn't sound like too bad of an idea, if I do say so myself."

The new couple exchanged a laugh, and this time, Paul had every bit of confidence as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder as the two entered the bus.


Extremely short chapter, sorry, just because I wanted to get the news out that I just published my Ringo fanfiction. I don't know how many of you are caught up with my John one, seeing as I haven't talked about it before I don't think, but I'm planning on writing one for each Beatle individually. So I've put up the prologue and first two chapters if anyone's interested, and I've already got a general idea for my George one. Thanks a bunch(:

Also, R.I.P. Mister B.B. King, a musical genius and legend that changed the face of the blues forever. He'll be missed but not forgotten, surely. <3

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