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Thankfully, there were no more technical difficulties with the bus on the tour, as well as there being no conflicts between Paul and Carmen, who were well over a week into their relationship by the time they reached Durham. The band had caused a bit of a furor in the otherwise simple and calm city, packing the streets with anxious crowds of people of all ages desperately trying to get their glimpses of the Beatles. Needless to say, it took a rather long time to get down the road. And to think they'd caused such an uproar when, actually, they were only using Durham as a rest stop of a sort and not even holding a concert there or anything.

Paul was amazed by the quaint, old-fashioned town and the architecture and everything else it had to offer, which wasn't much that he could see over the bobbing heads of the citizens in the crowd. It seemed quiet and beautiful, home to many charming, polite residents that all seemed to be familiar with each other. He could see that the city took pride in having nearly all their businesses be family owned and family run, emphasizing the importance of having people to love and rely on. Paul wasn't really surprised that someone like Carmen could come from there, and wondered if the atmosphere the city gave off would reflect her family, too.

Thinking of her family while simultaneously staring out at all the excited residents of Durham made a thought pop into his head.

"Hey," Paul said to Carmen quietly as they worked their way through the seas of people. "I don't think we should take the bus to your house if it's already causing this much...commotion. I don't want your family getting mobbed or anything."

"Mm, you're right... I could get my sister to come and get us, maybe? Something like that?" she offered.

"That wouldn't be too much of a hassle, would it?"

Carmen smiled slightly. "Not at all, don't worry. That's actually why I'd ask her rather than any of my brothers; she's, well, always an enthusiast when it comes to helping out in situations like these."

"Like these? What other situation is there?"

She chuckled. "Oh, boy, there're some really good stories about my brothers in that area..."

"Oh, no."

"Oh, no, is right."


After informing Freda, Mal, and Neil of their soon-to-be departure shortly after arriving in the hotel they'd be spending the night in, Carmen called up her older sister, Elizabeth, and filled her in on why she needed a ride. And, of course, her response was squealing so loudly that she had to lower the phone from her ear, wasting a few precious minutes.

"I'll be right there," Elizabeth hurried to say, "as long as you aren't joking about Paul McCartney--"

"Okay, can you not tell Mum, please? I was hoping for this to be a surprise."

"Sure thing! I-I'll just... I'll just be a minute!"

"Don't spe--" Carmen began, only to be cut off abruptly by the line going dead. She sighed, finishing to herself with a mutter, "--ed."

She hung up, grabbed her coat, mentally predicting Elizabeth's momentum, and headed down the hall to Paul's room. He was waiting inside, already set to go.

"Is she coming or?"

Carmen sighed again. "Yep. And quicker than you might think."

"Fan, is she?" Normally, the idea of having a fan speed for him would be one he was displeasured with, but knowing that one member of her family (minus Carlton) actually already liked him was a load taken off his shoulders, and he felt himself smiling after a few moments.

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