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The next few weeks blew by quickly, and before Paul knew it, he was at the release party for "Magical Mystery Tour" alongside his bandmates and best friends. For once, the press conferences and interviews seemed to last only a millisecond because of his excitement, and by the time the lads were rushing out the door to the colorful bus waiting outside, he just couldn't wait any longer.

On the day she was leaving, however, the wait seemed to last forever for Carmen as she sat with her head leaning against the window, suitcases at her feet. Carlton was giving her a rather paternal talk about staying safe and that kind of thing, but she only ever really paid attention when he got to the point of telling her to tell the rest of the Dalton family hello for him. That made her give him a tight hug, which was maintained until the psychedelic bus pulled into the driveway and flashed its headlights at the door.

Carlton went outside with his sister to greet Paul, who was jogging up to meet them. Once he was close enough, Carmen hugged Paul as a hello and they exchanged smiles.

"Here, let me help you with those," he offered instantly, taking one of her bags.

Carlton gave a small grin at his gentlemanliness as Carmen laughed at the gesture. As he followed them towards the bus, however, he tugged on Paul's sleeve lightly to get his attention and muttered, "Take care of her for me, will you?"

Paul smiled. "You don't have to worry about that, Carlton. I'd never let anything happen to her."

He sighed. "You know... I guess I was wrong about you. You're not like all the other dreadful, sordid guys she's gone out with. You're different; good different. I trust you."

"That means a lot, man. Thanks."

They briefly shook hands, and the tour had begun.

As Carmen and Paul stepped onto the bus, a chorus of greetings sounded from the other Beatles, which was joined by all the others on board, despite how they were pretty much the only ones she was familiar with. She looked around and took in the scene; everyone looked so delighted. George was sitting towards the back with his arm around a pretty girl, feet raised up on the seat in front of him relaxedly. Ringo was laughing as a small boy ran around the bus, exchanging pleasant conversation with a girl with dark hair, and John was in a similar situation as well; leaned against the window and talking with a beautiful blonde girl as a little boy sat in the seat in front of them, running a toy truck along the walls and such. Other people like the producers and managers were scattered about; the only one Carmen recognized was Freda among the group. The bus was very cool in her opinion. The colors were eye-catching, it drove smoothly, and the entire thing just screamed "Magical Mystery Tour".

"I saved us a spot," Paul told her, "in the back there."

Carmen laughed. "That scenic empty gap in the crowd?"

"That's the one."

They took their seats as the engine revved up again, and she slid her suitcase underneath her seat, listening to him remind her of how glad he was that she decided to come. He filled her in on the schedule of the tour and laughed as they discussed the film. Their conversation began to include others, though, once they were out of London and rolling up and down the lush, green hills outside the city on the way to their first stop. Coincidentally, the others decided to join just as Paul was about to try and put his arm around Carmen, stopping his actions abruptly.

Julian Lennon had run up to them. "Do you want to play with me and Daddy?"

"Oh, of course!" Carmen said delightedly. "What are you playing?"

"'Guess the Animal'!"

"It's his favorite game," John added from the other side of the bus where he and his wife were sitting.

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