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The first thing I remembered was the pain of the knife that I was stabbed the feeling of being betrayed by the man I loved, and the look of joy on his face as I screamed out. Then everything was dark.

When you die, you don't expect to wake up at a crossroads with a woman staring at you I knew the look of pity and the look of regret, but she looked angry "Amira Harris you are here 58 years early but this is not your fault" suddenly she pulled forward a woman who looked at me as if my death was her fault.

"Amira, you may know me as Aphrodite the goddess of love ten years ago I gave you romantic feelings for your husband so that his mum would stop praying to me incidentally it lead to your early demise"

I stared at her and just nodded Ross and his mum worshipped the Greek gods for years, so I'm not really surprised one of them intervened and I wasn't upset about being dead three years of abuse made death an escape for me.

Turning to the woman who was glaring at Aphrodite I decided to ask since I was already dead it wouldn't hurt "If I may who are you?" The woman just smiled "I am the unified being of three" the words seemed to make no sense till I remembered the myths "You are the fates?" she nodded before looking at Aphrodite and shaking her head "Leave you fool."

I guess the fates do not like persons upsetting her cycle of life as Aphrodite sulked off the fates took my hand "You are a lucky one you died as soon as a new life was being made your soul will start anew there" Oh so I was being allowed the chance of rebirth that would be nice seeing as I died at 35.

Fate seemed to observe me for a while before nodding "You will be reborn with all your memories and at age four I will bestow you a few gifts I am very sorry about our part in your death and unhappiness" I just smiled "It's really okay you did not intend on making me unhappy it is really fine."

"Child your kindness and the fact that you truly don't blame us is astonishing but also speaks of your soul know that you will never meet us again enjoy the life you will have from now on young Bennett."

Soon everything was dark again and I was warm but trapped I guess I'm in the womb. For nine months I was absolutely bored and miserable I knew my stretching was getting my parent's attention and every now and then I would turn but I couldn't see anything however I would hear the classical music they played for me.

At this point, I thought I had a loving pair of parents, and I was rather happy. I was finally comfortable in the womb when things changed, and I felt myself being pushed out oh well I guess it's time to meet the parents.

it was bright and the doctor holding me looked worried but handed me to my mother when I saw her, I immediately began to cry holding me was none other than Abby Bennett "Oh Rudy she is beautiful let's name her Bonnie" I see a man watching me with a smile "Welcome to the world Bonnie Bennett."

The Bennett WitchWhere stories live. Discover now