Chapter Ninety Nine *3rd POV*

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       Dean watched as his sister took her last breath. He watched as doctors and nurses tried to revive her. He watched as they called her time of death. He watched as they covered her body with a sheet. The tears threatened to spill, but he had to tell Sam and the boys. Walking over to the diaper bag, he handed the nurse the paperwork Frankie had made him carry, before he stormed out of the room. Making his way into the waiting room, he seen the despair of Sam's face, and the content look on the boys'.

"She's gone." Dean rasped, causing tears to fall from Sam's eyes.

"What's wrong, Uncle Sam?" Abel asked, looking up at the man who was crying.

"Abel, Tommy, I'm sorry boys, Mommy's--" Dean began, before Abel cut him off.

"She's with Daddy now, isn't she?" Abel asked, and Dean nodded.

"Yeah, she's with your dad now." He replied, though it wasn't the complete truth.

       Dean wasn't sure if Jax even went to Hell or not, even if he did, he and Frankie wouldn't be together in Hell. Dean watched as Abel and Thomas looked at each other for a moment, before they finally registered what it meant. Their mother was dead and so was their father, all they had left was the twins, Sam, and Dean. The two boys began to cry, laying against Sam as they sobbed their hearts out.

       Watching the boys cry made Dean even more upset. Instead of sitting down and doing absolutely nothing, Dean ledr the room and walked into a secluded area. Once he made sure nobody was around, he began to pray to Castiel. Castiel heard Dean, which made the angel come to where Dean had been standing.

"Cas, you have to bring her back. You have to get Frankie out of Hell. She can't stay in there, Cas. I can't let my little sister suffer, or let her children be without her." Dean pleaded, causing Castiel to sigh.

"I can not pull Frankie out of Hell, Dean. It took a lot of energy and time to pull you out, there's no way I would be able to get Frankie." Castiel said, watching tears swell in Dean's eyes.

"Please, man, I-I can't do this without her. Is-is there a chance that you could get enough energy to pull her out of Hell?" Dean asked, making Castiel frown.

"Dean, it could take years, and by then she'd only be a shell of her former self. I wish I could help, but I can not bring her back. If there was a chance--I would take it to save her, but it's very unlikely." Castiel stated, and Dean nodded and looked away.

        Dean had hoped that Castiel would be able to bring his sister back, even if it took a day or two. Dean knew his sister didn't deserve to rot in Hell, especially after all of her selfless work. She deserved the world, but it was taken from her before she could really live. She still was unable to watch her children grow, or fight the supernatural creatures she always wanted to defeat.

"Dean, if there is even the slightest chance that I can save her, I will, but I can not promise anything. The angels have been keeping track of everything I do, so I would have a much harder time than I had saving you." Castiel said, causing Dean to nod.

"If she's able to be saved, that's all I want." Dean replied, then Castiel disappeared.

        Castiel knew there wasn't a chance he'd be able to save Frankie, but he gave Dean false hope to keep the man going. He knew how much Frankie meant to Dean, so he knew Dean was hurt by her passing. Dean would probably never get over her death, but everyone hoped he'd be able to get passed it a bit. If he let it get to him, he'd probably end up right next to her in very little time.

        Dean felt his anger, despair, and sadness building up in his chest. He just wanted to scream, throw things, and possibly even break things, but he couldn't. He had to pull himself together, not only for himself, but for Sam and the boys. The twins would be in the hospital for a couple of days, before Dean would be able to get everyone the hell out of dodge. He needed to get Frankie's body though, because she needed a proper burial.

         With a sigh, Dean wiped the tears from his eyes and sat down on the floor against the wall. He stared up at the clouds through the window in the hall. Nobody was around, so nobody would see just how torn up Dean was at the moment.

"Why would you do this, Frankie? Why did you leave me? I wish I couldn't feel the grief and heartbreak. I feel like I'm dying inside; like my heart is in pieces and there's a lump in my throat. It hurts to be alive, but I'm going to keep it together for the boys, Sam, and the twins. I won't be able to save myself, but I'm going to save them." Dean murmured, closing his eyes for a moment.

       Dean slowly stood to his feet and headed back to the waiting room where Sam and the boys were sitting. The boys had cried themselves to sleep, so they were fast asleep in Sam's lap. Sam and Dean shared a look, but all Dean could do was shake his head. Sam frowned, knowing Castiel wasn't able to bring his sister back. Nobody knew how the boys were going to handle their mother's death, but Dean hoped they didn't act out. He hoped they didn't have terrible nightmares, and he hoped they didn't hate him for not being able to save their mother. She was the most important person in all of their lives, but now she was gone and they were all at a loss. None of them were going to be the same...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, did you cry? One more chapter!!!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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