Chapter Forty Five

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      The room was quiet, an awkward silence filling the air. I didn't know what to say, but I knew I couldn't just leave. Gemma would have my head if I just walked out of her room.

"Tara told me you were in the hospital." Gemma commented, breaking the silence.

"I knew that bitch couldn't keep her mouth shut." I retorted, and Gemma smirked.

"I know, which is exactly why I like having you around and with Jax instead of her," She said, before pursing her lips,"she said you were pretty banged up, even close to death."

"I had fought for Abel. I fought until I physically couldn't stand up and fight anymore. Cameron was going to kill me, but he left before he could make sure I was dead." I said, and she frowned.

"Well, I guess it's a good thing you're not dead. Abel needs his mother." She commented, and I frowned.

"Why did she tell you I was in the hospital?" I asked, and she scoffed.

"She had made the comment about our family not staying out of the hospital more than a few days. I didn't know what she meant by the comment, so I asked her then she told me you were attacked." Gemma replied, and I sighed.

      I guess if Tara couldn't tell my brothers, she felt the need to tell Jax's mother. Tara apparently didn't realize there was consequences for not keeping her mouth shut. It was rather annoying having to walk on egg shells around people, but apparently I was going to have to do so around her. She wasn't one to keep anything to herself, which meant I was going to have to teach her to bite her tongue.

"How far along are you?" She asked, causing me to choke on air.

"What?!" I rasped, and she pursed her lips.

"I'm not stupid. I've been a mother twice. I know the signs. I had a hunch when we were at my Dad's, but now I know just by the way you're carrying yourself. How far along are you?" She asked, and I sighed.

"Tara told me about six weeks, but now I think it's closer to seven." I said, and she bit her lip.

"Well, I guess a congratulations is in order." She replied, but I looked towards the ground.

"I'm scared, Gemma." I blurted out, looking back up at her with tears in my eyes.

"Why, sweetheart?" She asked, causing me to frown.

"In the life I tried to leave behind, you could never be happy. I can never leave that life behind, no matter how hard I tried. Love could get you killed, which is exactly what happened to my mother, what happened to my brother's girlfriend, and what happened to my father. It's like the Winchesters are cursed. I don't want that life for this baby, but I'm scared just because it has Winchester blood, it'll suffer the same fate as we all have." I answered, feeling tears fall from my eyes.

"Frankie, that will not happen. You, Jax, Abel, and this baby will be happy. So what if you're a Winchester? You have an entire club that will fight for you and your safety. I know you can protect yourself and your family. Don't be upset, be happy. You may never get this chance again, relish in it before it's too late." She said, and I nodded.

     I wiped the tears from my face, trying to look as if I hadn't been crying. I hated crying, but I couldn't help it. I was actually scared, something that didn't happen often. Dean would be pissed at me if he knew I was so scared. I couldn't tell Dean or Sam anything. If they knew about the baby they would go ballistic, if they didn't already since I had Abel and was with Jax. My life was now a complete secret from my brothers, something I planned on keeping from them for a while.

"Why don't you go home and get some rest. You look like you can use some." Gemma commented, and I chuckled.

"Says the person in the hospital after having a mild heart attack." I retorted, and she smirked.

"You'll give me another one if you and the baby don't rest. Besides, you need to be well rested for Abel's return." She said, and I nodded.

"Alright, I'll go home and rest. You should rest, too. You've been through a lot." I replied, getting up from my seat and walking over to her.

"I will, don't you worry about me." She answered, as I hugged her.

"I have to worry about you, when Clay and Jax aren't around to do it themselves." I replied, and she chuckled, kissing my cheek.

"I know. I love you, sweetheart." She said, as I walked towards the door.

       I stopped for a moment, not expecting her to say that to me. She never seemed like the type of person to say that to her son's old lady. Turning back to her, I smiled lightly.

"I love you, too, Gem." I replied, before walking out of the room.

         Walking passed the nurse's station, I spotted Tara. Instead of starting any drama with her, I decided to just glare at her. I didn't want to start drama, knowing she was caring for Gemma. Besides, Gemma would have my head, seeing as she knows now that I'm pregnant, even though I can still kick someone's ass, pregnant or not.

       I just hoped that Jax would take the news as well as Gemma had. I knew I wasn't going to tell him until he brought Abel back though. I didn't want him thinking that I was trying to replace Abel, or get into his head where he wouldn't focus on finding Abel. I loved Abel dearly, so no matter what, I was going to have him back with me. He was my son, and I wouldn't rest until he was safely back in my arms once more...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. So, it was mostly dialogue, but it helps build the relationship between Frankie and Gemma.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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