Chapter Nine

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     Today I had work at the garage, so I dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a pair of work boots, and a black top. Jax had dropped off my work shirt last night, so I buttoned it up over my black top. I threw my hair up into a messy pony tail, before grabbing my extra change of clothes. I threw them in a bag and brought them out to my car. I then sat in the front seat and drove down to the diner. I ordered a small breakfast, ate some of it, then left to head to the garage. I brought Gemma and Jax coffee though, and a small thing for breakfast. I then pulled into the lot and grabbed the breakfast and coffees. I went straight to the office setting coffee and breakfast down in front of Gemma.

"Thought I'd bring you some since I had some." I commented, and she smiled.

"Thank you, sweetheart." She replied, before I left the office.

      I spotted Jax almost a minute later, before I walked over and handed him a coffee and breakfast.

"You didn't have to bring me anything." He said, and I smiled lightly.

"Well, I was already there, so why not?" I replied, causing him to laugh.

     Jax quickly finished his food and coffee, before he, Tig, and I began work in the garage. I worked on an older car, as Jax worked on a bike, and Tig worked on another car. As we were working, I watched Gemma leave. I just shook my head, thinking she probably did that a lot. Anyhow, around noon, it was time for lunch, so the three of us took a break.

"I'll get us some lunch if you both are hungry." I commented, causing them to nod.

      I quickly ran off to my car, before going to the pizza place near the garage. I ordered the three of us our own pizzas as well as a drink each, before bringing it back to the garage. Both guys were waiting on me at the picnic table, as I parked in the lot again. Jax and Tig ran over to help me, before I handed them their food.

"You're amazing Doll." Tig said, as he kissed my cheek and walked away.

"Yeah, thanks darlin'." Jax added, as he also kissed my cheek.

      I bit my lip, wondering if kissing a girl's cheek was something all the guys did if they knew the girl well enough, or what they believed was well enough. Anyhow, we ate our pizza during lunch break, Tig being surprised that I ate a half a pizza by myself. I'm guessing he thought I was too skinny to eat that much. I gave the other half to Opie, since I really didn't want anymore pizza today.

        Anyhow, the three of us got back to work, until it was time to quit for the day. I said goodbye to the boys, before heading back to my car. I stopped for dinner, deciding that I'd just leave my extra clothes in my car just in case I ever needed them, before I ate and headed back home. Honestly, I was surprised that the day didn't seem to last that long. It seemed to drag on and on forever when I was working at the salon.

     Once I got home, I slipped my boots off and threw them into my closet. I then took a quick shower, before throwing on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I decided I'd get my hair done tomorrow over a lazy period in the salon. I wasn't going to let Barbara do my hair though, that's for sure. She'd probably burn my hair off on purpose.

      As I looked in the mirror, I could see my roots fairly bad. My hair was originally the same color as Dean's, so it stood out a lot when my roots started to grow with the blonde. As I thought about it, I thought about letting my hair grow back out to it's regular color, but it would take forever since my hair was so long. I decided I'd let it grow back to the old color later, once it wasn't summer time. I didn't like being out in the winter, I'd stay inside most of the time, so nobody would really see my hair.

     As I sat on my couch reading through one of my books of lore, I began to  wonder if Jax liked my hair blonde. I've never been one to let a guy determine my hair color. I've never been one to have a boyfriend either. So, it's different now. I know I have feelings for Jax, and I kind of want his opinion. I wondered if I should text him and ask if he liked my blonde hair or if he'd want me to go back to my old color, but then I changed my mind. I didn't need to bother him over something so trivial.

     I kind of wished Sam was with me, where I could ask him advice. He was the best for advice when it came to things like this. Dean was best with advice on more serious things like death, dying, fighting, and things of that nature. He didn't really have a sentimental side, so I never asked him about boys or anything like that. Though Sam is three years younger than me, I always went to him for advice on boys and stuff like that, just like he did with me and girls, knowing Dean would never give good advice, since he was more of a "one night stand" type of guy. I didn't blame him though, since that was the best thing to do when you lived like we did. We didn't need to be attached to anyone, which was why he had meaningless sex with as many girls as he could. I did the same with guys when I was a teenager, but once I hit nineteen I stopped. Maybe now I needed a real relationship, but maybe I didn't...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I know this one was a bit boring, but the next chapter couldn't be broken down any smaller to fit into this one.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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