Chapter Ninety One

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     Minutes passed like hours, as I sat on the couch stricken with worry. I had the tv on, but I wasn't paying any attention to what was on the screen. I believe I had turned on Two Broke Girls, but I can't remember. As I sat there waiting, the door opened and Jax rushed into the room. He quickly made his way over to me, pulling me into his chest, causing me to cry once again.

"What happened?" He asked, his eyes full of worry.

"I don't know. I was making breakfast, and the boys were playing in the nursery. All I remember is Thomas screaming for me, before I ran into the room and seen Abel on the floor having a seizure. He was all pale and clammy, and Thomas was scared shitless. I called Tara as soon as I seen what was going on. I followed all her directions, but I had to call you or my brothers. When you didn't answer, I was even more scared. Luckily my brothers weren't too far away. They led the EMTs to the nursery and they have Thomas right now." I said, as Jax sighed and ran his hand over his face.

"I am so sorry for not answering. I was busy and--it doesn't even matter. I don't care about the club shit, as long as Abel is alright." He replied, and I nodded in agreement.

       I laid my head against his shoulder, getting a little bit of comfort from his touch.

"How are you holding up?" He asked, causing me to sigh.

"Tara sent me in here as soon as I got here. I was a mess when we first arrived. April, the nurse, has been checking on me from time to time. She made me eat earlier and drink some water; said it would help calm me down a bit. She and Tara agreed that if I didn't calm down a bit, I'd go into premature labor from all the stress." I answered, making him nod.

"We need you and the twins healthy, just as much as we need Abel healthy. I'm not going to tell you to stop worrying, but I do think you shouldn't stress yourself out to the point where you put yourself in labor." He said, making me  nod in agreement.

       A while later, Tara walked into the room. She wasn't wearing a smile on her face, which worried me once again. She had a clipboard with her, but recently she always seemed to have one when I seen her. I only seen her when I had appointments though, so that would explain why she had the clipboard all the time.

"How's he doing? What's wrong with him?" I asked, as Jax helped me stand to my feet.

"The seizure was caused by the whiplash he endured months ago. I don't believe we could've seen the seizure coming before it happened. The seizure cut the oxygen from his brain for five minutes, and I'm afraid there may be more seizures in the future. With the oxygen cut off from his brain for more than three minutes at such a young age, there's now swelling in his brain, as well as potential brain damage, and a chance he may end up brain dead. He's stable for now, but he's in a medically induced comatose state. He's barely breathing on his own, so I've got him on a ventilator to help him breath. I'm doing everything I can to help him, but I don't know if he'll ever wake up. If the swelling doesn't go down, we'll have to take more precautions. If another seizure rolls through, he'll be brain dead. The swelling in his brain may lead to him becoming brain dead. For now he has brain activity, but I can't promise he will later. You two might want to start thinking of a way of saying goodbye. I will do every damn thing in my ability, even if I have a chance of getting fired, but I can't promise anything." Tara stated, causing my whole world to collapse around me like it had when Dean had been killed.

       Jax and Tara had to catch me and set me down on the couch, as I sobbed my heart out in my hands. I was losing my oldest baby because of something foolish Gemma did months ago. I was never going to forgive her, and I was going to make her life a living hell. She may have gotten a second chance with the children, but now it was gone. She's the reason we were losing Abel. If anything, I wished for them to trade places. I didn't even feel selfish for my wish, because she was the cause of everything.

"Would you like to see him?" Tara asked, causing me to nod.

"Please, I have to see him." I replied, as I looked at her with teary eyes.

     She and Jax helped me to Abel's room, before bringing me inside. Seeing my baby hooked up to all the machines, wires, and tubes made it even more real. He didn't turn and look at me. He didn't smile like he always did when I walked into the room. He wasn't playing with toys with Thomas like he had been only a few hours ago. Instead, he was laid up like a vegetable all because of Gemma.

"I'm going to call Dean and Sam." Jax commented, before walking out of the room.

"Tara, what's the chances of Abel actually waking up and being himself again?" I asked, causing her to sigh.

"You want the truth?" She asked, and I nodded.

"Please." I pleaded, as I glanced over at my unconscious son.

"There's only a thirty percent chance that he'll ever wake up, but he'll never be the same Abel you knew before. With the lack of oxygen to his brain for so long, he'll have problems to overcome. He may have trouble talking, he may have behavioral issues, he may have trouble doing daily things he use to always do, and he may have to learn how to do some things all over again." She stated, causing my heart to shatter.

       My little boy was never going to be the same, and it broke my heart to know there was a chance I would lose him...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Obviously I know Abel didn't end up like this in SOA, but for my story, this needed to happen. Do not complain. If you don't like it, don't read it. Also, if some of the information about the medical stuff is wrong, I'm sorry. I was just going with the stuff I remembered from my nursing classes I took in high school a few years ago.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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