Chapter 5

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Landons POV:

This past month has flown by too fast for my liking. Harry and I have become extremely close though there are still some things about me he doesn't know, and I intend to keep it that way. We started a new "tradition", every Wednesday night he comes over in pajamas to watch movies while my dad is at work. Luckily for me between Harry and Mavis, I have plenty of company. Besides Harry and I, Mavis and Scott were also becoming really close as well. They were going out in public more, and spending almost all of their time together, some would say they were together but Mavis won't admit it.


Harry and I were sitting beside each other in English like we have been since day 1 when I felt my phone vibrate.

Bambi: I wonder if I can get our teacher to smile for once....

I turned my head to the side to see harry looking down at his phone. I quickly pulled my phone out and responded.

Me: I wouldn't risk it Styles. She hasn't smiled at all.

Bambi: oh come on every one needs to smile :)

Me: shut up and put your damn phone away. I'm trying to learn for once.

As soon as I sent the text Harry laughed and covered his mouth, causing the ?class to turn around. Our teacher looked up from the board and gave harry a dirty look and if looks could kill, Harry would be 6ft under. Once she turned back around I slapped Harry on the head.

"OW, what did you do that for?" he whispered rubbing his head.

"Learn to shut up," I murmured.

Towards the end of class, our teacher began passing out a piece of paper. When she put one my desk, I immediately began reading it trying to catch up on what I'd missed. Not long after, she stood up in front of the class.

"Okay class, I guess you're wondering what I just passed out since it is not anything like we just went over. Starting tomorrow, we will begin our senior project," she began to say as the class let out loud groan. "This project is very important, so I hope you guys take it very seriously. Your assignment will be to choose one person who inspires you, someone you envy, someone who motivates you, alive or dead. You may work with a partner but you may not have the same project. This is due a week before you all graduate. Have fun and good luck." And with that the bell rang and everything else was drowned out by the noise of students running out of the class room.

"So who are you going to write about?" I asked him.

"It's a secret.. who are you doing?"

"My mom," I looked up to see him giving me a warm smile.

"That's great Landon." He said as he bent down to hug me. After class Harry and I went our separate ways. The thing I love the most about mine and Harry's friendship is the little things we do. During lunch we go to the library and hang out in our corner. After school every day we meet up at that locker because for some unknown reason Harry thinks 1146 is our lucky number. In my eyes I just see it as a locker number, or a time but in Harry's eyes he feels like it means something. Freak.

Study hall finally come to an end which meant it was time for lunch. Since I refuse to eat school lunch I waited in the library for Harry to bring me back my lunch box. Entering the library, I spotted Harold in our corner. I made my way to him and tapped his shoulder, causing him to turn around.

"Hey murphy," he said sitting down.

"Hello bambi," I said mocking his thick, slow accent.

"That was a horrible British accent," he said chuckling.

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