Chapter 6.***

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(just as a warning the three stars mean there will be sexual content. we will put three stars before it occurs. this will be the only warning. love you all xoxo)

Landon's POV:

Slowly opening my eyes I saw nothing but sunlight and carpet. For a second I was confused to why I was even laying on the floor. Then I remembered that I fell asleep last night while watching a movie, but why am I on the floor if I fell asleep on the couch? I looked up at the couch to see Harry sprawled out on it, his left side hanging off. He had the blanket wrapped around his body, he looked perfect. Being me though, I had to ruin everything that is perfect which meant grabbing the closest object next to me and throwing it at his head.

"Mmph," he groaned rolling over, falling off the couch.

"What the fuck," he looked so confused which made me chuckle.

"Good morning Bambi," I said rolling myself to lay beside him. He smiled at me and put his arm over my shoulder.

"Good morning. May I ask why you threw a shoe at me head?" he said grabbing the shoe.

"You kicked me off the couch, so you deserved it,"I replied. We laid there for a good bit before he got up to use the bathroom. Shortly after that Harry said he needed to leave so we said our goodbyes. Harry leaving left me alone and I had no plans today, so I decided to text Mavis and see if she wanted to hang out.

Me: I have nothing to do today do you want to come over?

Mama bitch: Ew, why would I want to do that?

Me: because you love me and care for me.

Mama bitch: ugh I guess.

Me: come over around 2 okay?

Mama bitch: don't tell me what to do.

I read her last text and shut off my phone throwing it against a wall before going upstairs to take a nap.

2:00 came rolling around and there was a knock at my door. Opening the door it reveled Mavis standing there with her hand on her hip and she didn't hesitate to come in when I opened the door. When I closed the front door I could hear the refrigerator door opening and I saw her shoving our leftovers from the other the night into her mouth as I walked into the kitchen.

"Sure go ahead eat all of our food," I said rolling my eyes. When Mavis finally finished we walked up to my room and sat on my bed.

"Can you please tell me what is going on between you and Harry?" she asked.

"What's there to tell?" I said raising my eyebrow.

"Well first off you are constantly talking to him, and secondly you are always with him. I mean come on he comes over every Sunday. Do you like him or something?" she asked.

"NO, well I mean... NO! We are just friends besides you and I both know that it wouldn't work out anyways," I said looking down at my fingers.

"Landon that's in the past okay. You can't keep holding yourself back because of it." she said grabbing a pillow and laying on the floor.

"I'm just scared you know? I made a promise to myself that I would never love again. I know it's in the past but there's always that what if."

"Landon does he know?" she said looking up at me.

"No," I said standing up.

"Hey I didn't mean to upset you,"

"No, no you didn't upset me.... I'm just scared. Besides you and my dad, Harry is the closest thing I've got. My past will most likely scare him away,or ruin any chance with him." I said plopping back down onto the bed.

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