Chapter 9 pt 1

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Landon's POV

It was Monday. The day everyone dreads. I was currently sitting in English working on my senior project. Harry decided it was a good day to mess with me. It started with playful poking. Then once he realized it wasn't bothering me he quit. Well at least that's what i thought until all my pencils tumbled out of my pencil bag. I glared at him and told him to pick them all up. We still had 47 minutes left of class, and i had barley gotten anything done thanks to the moron sitting next to me. 

"Psssstttt Landon," harry whispered.

"What," I mumbled, still writing down notes. 

"I'm bored," he whined, then dramatically thew his head on my desk.  

"Harold stop i'm working," i said sternly. He let out a huff and sat back up. I kept working until i felt the urge to pee. I raised my hand hoping my teacher would look up. Luckily she did and called on me. 

"Yes?" she asked.

"May i use the bathroom?" 

"Hurry please," she said, rolling her eyes before looking down again. I made sure to grab my phone and put it in my back pocket. Once i grabbed the pass from the front of the room i opened the door and left. No one was in the hallway which made it really quiet. The walk to bathroom didn't take long which upset me. Don't get me wrong i love English, but our senior project isn't fun, and our teacher wont let us talk. 80 minutes of no talking might not seem that bad, but it is. Once i finished peeing i washed my hands and walked out. As soon as i stepped out a loud bang went off. This wasn't your normal someone dropped something bang. This was louder. It wasn't until i heard another one and a loud scream that i realized what was happening. 

A gun.

Someone had a gun.

The intercom came on seconds later saying, "LOCK DOWN I REPEAT LOCK DOWN. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. LOCK DOWN!" I sprinted back to my classroom, but when i tried opening the door it was locked. Shit. I tried again yelling, "It's me Landon Murphy! Please open the door." No answer. I turned around running towards the next classroom, but that door was locked too. I started to panic. I remember in assembly's teachers saying if a student were to be in the hallway they needed to hide. I automatically thought about the bathroom, but from all the movies I've seen that's the first place the shooter goes. I looked around the hallway spotting a small janitors closet. Luckily it was unlocked. Once i had it closed i hid behind the brooms in the back corner. 

Harry POV     

When Landon got up to go to the bathroom i pulled out my phone to check out instagram. Before i could reply to a comment someone left on my picture an ear splitting bang went off. Girls in the class screamed including our teacher. No one had to tell us what was going on. A second one went of followed by our principal coming on the intercom saying we were in lock down. Our teacher ran over to the door to lock it and shut off the lights. We all ran to the wall by the door like we have rehearsed a billion times. My whole body was shaking. Some people in our class started crying, while others held on to each other. Everyone screamed again when the door started rattling. My blood went cold when i heard her voice. I shot up running to the door but soon tackled by a guy that sits in the back of the room. She tried opening the door again but there was no use. 

"NO STOP LET ME GO! I HAVE TO GET HER" I yelled. The guy who tackled me wouldn't let me go. I was getting pissed at this point. People were still sobbing but all eyes were on me. 

"Harry stop right now! We can't let anyone in," my teacher said. 

"But we can't leave her out there either! She could get hurt o-or worse," i exclaimed. 

"She's a smart girl Harry. She'll figure out where to hide, but for right now shut your mouth and hide. Not only are you risking your life but everyone else's," she whispered yelled. I looked around one more time seeing if anyone was on my side, but as soon as  i did everyone looked away. I sat back against the wall sighing. Another round of gun shots went off which caused everyone to gasp and cry louder. An idea hit me and i pulled out my phone. I went to Landon's contact and texted her.

Me: are you okay!?? where are you

Seconds later my phone started ringing. It was Landon. I answered almost immediately.

"Landon!" I whispered, "where are you?"

"H-harry," she stuttered, "I'm hi-hiding in a closest a-a-and i'm okay," she was crying. 

"What closest?" i asked, already thinking of a plan.

"It's on our hallway," she whispered. I could hear things moving in the background. 

"Landon don't move do you hear me? We don't know where this guy is," i stated. All of a sudden loud footsteps could be heard from outside the classroom. Someone banged on our door with their fist. I squeezed me eyes closed trying to remain quiet. The person walked away and banged on another door. I could hear heavy breathing on the other line. I could tell she was still crying by the way she sobbed hear and there. 

"Har-harry i think someones c-coming," she sobbed. My breathing stopped at her confession. I could hear her moving around which caused me to panic. 

"Landon i said don't move," i said sternly. She sobbed again this time louder. 

"He's getting closer," she whimpered. A single tear rolled down my cheek. I looked at the classroom door once again. If only i could be with her right now. An idea struck me all of a sudden. 

"I'm coming," i whispered. 


WELL SHIT... sorry it took so long to update. school takes away our writing time..

 thoughts on what might happen next?? 

we love it when you guys comment and vote, and lately we haven't gotten any comments and we like it when we hear your guys feed back.

we are also really close to 1k!!!!!!! thats crazyyyyyyy   

thank you guys so much!

we love you from the moons and backs 


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