Chapter 2

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Landon's POV:

The first day couldn't go by any slower. My mind wandered off into its own world, getting almost nothing done in my last few classes. If it wasn't for being almost late today, Mavis showing my butt off to some random guy that I don't know but yet he knows me, and getting pinned against the locker being told how hot my butt looked in my jeans by the same guy... I might not be so worn out.

The final bell ringing, everyone practically runs out of the classroom. Slowly rising from my seat while zipping my bookbag up, I made my way out the door. Turning away from Mavis' class, deciding to take the long way towards the locker I was once up against. Pulling out my earbuds from my back pocket and attaching them to my phone, I had finally made up my mind on my favorite song "She Will be Loved" by Maroon 5, before turning to corner. Looking up, I caught a glimpse of the curly locks leaning up against the wall, focussing on his phone.

"I do believe I have something of yours." I said, shaking his key in my hand before tossing it to him for him to catch, giving him a small smile.

"Indeed you do." he said with a smirk while walking closer to me before stopping in his path to pick up the keys he failed to catch, then continuing towards me.

"Well i really should go." I rushed out quickly, turning on my heels getting ready to run to calm my nerves by how close he was coming.

"Oh Landon." he said grabbing my arm to stop me from turning, pushing me against the lockers putting his hands on my hips. What is up with him and lockers, damn; they're not comfortable one bit, the dial feels as if it is pushing between my ribs and i just want to cry.

"No really I have to go." I squeaked, trying to squeeze out of his grip "please let me go, it hurts." I said, in a short breath before squeezing my eyes shut to think of a happy place.

"Just listen for a moment." He harshly whispered, gripping me tighter. Both of us were silent. It was until i had opened my mouth, he began to speak.

"My friends and I are going out tonight you should join us." I have never been invited to anything other than doing things with Mavis, so I froze, not knowing what exactly to say. What do you say? No one has ever asked me to go somewhere.

"Oh no, I can't. It's Monday and I have homework and other... stuff." I said picking at my chapped lips, focusing my eyes anywhere I could as long as it wasn't his Emerald gaze.

"Come on Landon, it's not like we are going out clubbing. We are going to this café everyone hangs out at." He said slowly removing his hands, batting his eyes in almost a playful way.

"Okay fine I'll go but only for an hour I have things to do." I said giving in, I mean hanging out at a café won't be so bad right? It's not like there will be alcohol and partying, just a small get together.

"Okay great. Do you want me to pick you up?" He said, while spinning his keys on his index finger.

"It's fine just tell me where it's at and what time." I said hoping he would let it go.

"Okay if you say so, we will be meeting up at the Little Café downtown at 7:00." He said turing to walk down the hallway.

"Yeah okay, see you there." I can't believe I was agreeing to this. This is way bigger than a tea party with Mavis, we're going to hang out... in public. I don't even know this guy, he could be a rapist for all I know. I could possibly be going to an event involving rapists, so much fun,


After getting home and putting my things away, it was about 4:30. I still had about two and half hours to kill so I decided to grab one of my favorite books Paper Towns and read

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