Chapter 19

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Nathan's POV
Half way into the tour. Half way until it's over. I sighed as I took off my sweaty shirt and got in the shower. The girlfriends being here definitely made it easier on us lads. I was glad I could have Adri around, but Jay was worried about the studio because they left his brother Tom in charge.

After a while I heard knocking on the door, "NATHAN HURRY UP!" Bolton voice, "YOU'VE BEEN IN THERE FOREVER!" I turned off the water and got out causing Tom to rush inside. I laughed as I saw Adri talking to Emily. Since Emily was Jay's girlfriend.
"How you holding up?" I heard Emily ask. I didn't walk in even though I knew it was rude to snoop.
"Better. I guess. Some fans do defend me, but there are still those who completely hate me," Adri replied. I was there in shock. She didn't tell me the hate was getting out of control.

"Hey girls," I said interrupting the moment.
"Nathan put on some clothes," Adri said, covering Emily's eyes with a pillow.
"Whoops sorry," I said with a wink causing her to giggle. I smiled and left to get dressed. Maybe if I don't bring it up she could handle it.
Adriana's POV
Last concert of the tour. They have officially preformed all the songs they've ever sang as a group. I was happy and for this last concert they had chosen the girlfriends to be their heart vacancy girls which meant Max still had to pick a fan as he was still on the hunt for love. I smiled as I sat on the couch with the girls as I remembered holding Nathan close to me as he sang. I loved his voice. It was like an angel was speaking.

I decided to walk outside as the boys were going to take a while as they spent time with the fans that own backstage passes. When suddenly *crack*. I felt the liquid of an egg drip down my face. "why don't you understand that no one wants a slut?" I heard those fans chuckle, but then I heard a thud. When I looked up I saw Nathan had punched one of the kids. I was in shock.
"If you were true fans you would be happy for me," he grabbed my arm and pulled it, "come on." I was still surprised. When we got back to the dressing room the girls eyes went wide and started to get the egg out of my hair.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Nathan started. That caused everyone to stop what they were doing.
"We'll be with the lads," Emily said with a kiss on my head. I nodded and watched as they left me alone with Nath.
"How was I suppose to Nathan? How? You were so happy being in the band again and we had finally told each other I love you." It was true. He took me out one night in Paris. It felt magical.

Flashback: "Nathan," I chuckled as he pulled me along like a little kid.
"Come on come on I want you to see the top," he pulled me as we ran up the steps of the Eiffel Tower, but soon I saw he was growing tower.
"Get in the elevator Nath," I gestured. He laughed, but agreed as we went up to the top. Soon we reached it and I saw everything. All of Paris and the stars above. "Nathan it's beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you," I punched his arm.
"Corny much?" He laughed and pulled me into a hug. I smiled and placed his hands where they were suppose to be as we danced to the quiet music that was playing.
"I love you," he whispered as my head was on his chest. I could hear his heart beat. I smiled and looked at him.
"I love you too," then we kissed. Still dancing to the quiet music that played throughout the night.......

"Me telling the fans to leave you alone would not effect our love!" Nathan shouted. It scared me a bit, but I shook it off. It's the Archie thing all over again.
"OF COURSE IT WOULD HAVE! Nathan I love you. I love you so much, but in the end this is your job. I didn't want you to lose any fans because of me."
"Adriana Sapphire Summers," I waited for it, "I'm done with you." with that he left me in the room. Alone. I fell to my knees and cried. I should've told him. I should've told him.

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