Chapter 3

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The Next Day

Adriana's POV

I woke up the next morning to see that Nathan was no longer beside. NO that didn't happen to those who thought wrong. Nathan walked in when I just happened to accidently cut and no I am not on of those depressed girls. It's not like that. I was just too upset with Archie and in this matter life so when Nathan left for a shower and I am guessing made himself tea I cut myself with the broken glass of the photo.

It wasn't the first time, but that doesn't mean that it was the right thing. I regret it so much. I regret Nathan walking in on me. I am glad that he left somewhere. I knew he probably left to the studio without telling me. He probably didn't want to wake me and I am glad he didn't. If he had he would have seen the worst side of me that has ever been seen.

I got out of the bed and put on some of my own clothes. Nathan had leant me his t-shirt and some sweat pants. I smiled at the fact that there was a note on the bed. Nathan had wrote that he was sorry he left without notice. I am kind of glad that he left without saying anything because now I can leave without saying goodbye. I know it sounds mean, but I don't know I guess I don't want him to try to explain to me the events of last night. I packed everything and made myself at least look presentable.

I wrote a note for Nathan telling him that I left. I put my hair up in a snap-back then left the house. It was a little chilly I mean it was autumn. I didn't know where to go. "I'll just take the train." I muttered. I wasn't looking where I was going when I bumped into someone. It hurt pretty bad because I am guessing the guy was running. If it was a guy.

"Oh shit sorry." The guy said. I nodded holding my head. "Oh I am so very sorry." He kept on saying. I nodded and smiled. "It's alright honeslty. My name is Adriana Sapphire Summers. So what's yours?" I question him so he wouldn't feel so bad. "Names James Mcguiness, though people call me Jay." I nodded. I couldn't fangirl. I didn't do it with Nathan I just I don't know to stay calm. I am guessing that I am probably just stressed or something.

"Have no place to go?" He questioned eyeing my bags. I nodded.
     "I was actually only planning on getting on the train, but I have no idea where to." He laughed. "I was thinking about living like a hobo you know." I tell him. Jay laughs harder and we get strange looks but I don't care. He takes a hold of one of my bags.
    "What are you doing?" I ask him. Then he starts to run.
    "Come get it if you want it." He yells.
    "JAY!" He laughs and I do too then we just ran and ran. Some people cursed at us and once Jay actually bumped into someone.
     "Watch where you're going, you arse." He said. Jay looked worried and shly nodded.

I just had to step in. Note the sarcasm because I really didn't but I don't like dickheads like him. "Hey why don't you watch your mouth and get your arse out of here." He looked embarrased as I just continued yelling at him until he ran away. I smiled and Jay finally let out a laugh I am guessing he was holding in.

"Hey you're not so bad, how about you come live with me. Since you know you have no where else to go." Jay said shly. I smiled and nodded.
     "Sure why not. I guess I could use an adventure." He smiled and kept on walking along with me. He kept making sure I was still following him and I started to laugh.
     "What's so funny back there?" Jay asked.
     "I don't know it feels like you keep checking back here because you have tried to show a girl to your house and she ran off thats why you keep checking back here." He looked back forward.
     "Wait hold up that really happened?" I asked Jay, he nodded and I instanlty felt bad.

"I am so sorry, Jay. Really I don't understand how a girl would do that. If I was that girl I would have been in front of you and you would have to be showing me the way even though I would be ahead." He laughed and I smiled. I made him feel better and that was the best feeling ever. He kept going ahead and instead of walking behind him I walked beside him. I didn't want him to feel insecure.

When we arrived Jay showed me around. "And this will be your bedroom. Across from mine so if you need anything you can just yell, walk over, or crawl I don't know how you get around." I laughed and nodded.
    "I think I will just... crawl." Jay went into hysterics and I laughed just be seeing him laugh.

My phone started to ring at some point and so I answered it.
     "Hello." I answer.
     "Hey Adri sorry I left out of the----" Jay took my phone and he kept holding it higher.
     "Jay give it back pweas." He shook his head.
     "Hey bro you called in awful timing I am having wonderful sweet sex with my girlfriend." I looked at him and I literally felt my jaw drop. Jay just said that to Nathan in an awful attempt of an American accent, but you know. I knew it was Nathan, he is the only one that calls me Adri.
     "Yea because we are both going to die of ecstacy." Jay said. I moaned for a second just to go along with Jay, but then I wondered what Nathan was thinking and just got my phone back.

--------------Nathan's POV---------------

"Hello" Adriana answered.
     "Hey Adri sorry I left out of the----" I was caught off by some mumbling that was happening.
     "Hey bro you called in awful timing I am having wonderful sweet sex with my girlfriend." I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if it was true or if it was just something that this lad was making up.
     "JAY MCGUINESS YOU ARE SO DEAD." I heard Adri yell. Jay? But how?
     "Yea because we are both going to die of ecstacy." I heard Jay say now. But how do they know each other? I ask myself. I heard a moan and I was just disgusted by then. My old best mate and a girl I- well that I- well- Ugh I don't know. I am guessing she got her phone back.
     "Hey Nath." She said quietly.
     "Hey." I mumbled into the phone.

The phone call had a few seconds of awkward silence.
     "We were only joking."Adriana said. I laughed a out of relief.
     "So is this the same Jay Mcguiness I used to 'work' with"
     "No Nathan it's Jay Mcguiness your lover. Gosh boy get your facts right." I laughed and I think Jay heard it too.
     "So this is Nathan Sykes you are talking to." I hear Jay say.
     "Well yeah is there really any other Nathan Sykes." Adri stated this time. There was laughter and I finally talked to Jay in what seemed a life time. We agreed on seeing each other again when Adri is more situated at the house.

I sat down and spinned in my chair when some girl walked in my studio.
     "Hello there may I help you?" I ask.
     "You are Mr. Sykes." I nodded.
     "Okay well we are moving you back with Scooter not that we don't want you here but like we think that you might get better publicty with him." I nodded. I guess I do get to go back with Scooter after all. I started to take all my lyrics and everything I had in this studio with the girl still watching me.
     "Anything else?" She shook her head and just kept staring.
     "well.. erm.. uh.." I stuttered.

"Do you know Adriana?" She asked out of the blue. I nodded.
     "I knew it. She said she would tell me anything, but I guess we haven't seen each in a long time." I looked at her confused.
     "I am her best friend Emily." I nodded and smiled at her.
     "So sorry if I was staring I was just seeing if like I was.. I don't know you looked like of course Nathan Sykes from the wanted and well she was completely obsessed with you guys. I mean she made me like you guys, not that I am complaining I mean I do like your music or did like your music no I liked your music from when you were in the band and I didn't know if you knew her or not or if you guys had actually bumped into each other as Miranda told me." The girl with her name I now know of Emily said. She took a deep breath and I laughed.
     "So you know Miranda." I stated. She nodded.
     "Remember I did say I was Adriana's best friend." and I saw why. They were almost exactly alike yet completely oppisite.


Okay I got Chapter 3 done. It's not the best, so I will try to make the next one better. Jay came into the Fanfic yay! Thanks for reading.

-Kayla :)

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