Chapter 9

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Adriana's POV

After about three days in the hospital my aunt recovered and Miranda stayed with her. Turns out Archie wanted custody over Miranda so I would've lost her anyway. I never saw Arch, but hopefully one day I will. "Your candy Summer." I smiled at Jay. He has been the best supporting me throughout this whole thing and honestly I wouldn't change him for anything.

It was fucking summer and I can't even enjoy it. I mean my aunt is okay now, but Miranda seems to come visit me more and she has these nightmares about the accident when her mom isn't around. "Thanks Jay," I smile as I see that the candy he bought me are skittles. "You want some?" "Me deny Skittles, you ask as if I wasn't your boyfriend." I laugh as he sat down beside me.

We watched some tv when my phone started to ring. Nath flashed on the screen. "It's Nathan." I tell Jay. He nods and I take the call. "Hey Adri." I smile, but I can barely hear him. "Nathan where are you I can barely hear you." Jay takes the phone from me and starts to talk to Nathan. I roll my eyes, "I could have handled it just fine." I tell Jay. He sticks his tongue out at me and I do the same.

"Want to take a walk with me?" Jay ask. I smiled and nodded. I turned off the TV and looked out the window. It was already dark outside, but me and Jay don't mind. I watched as he turned off the lights. So swiftly so quick I admired him.

We only walk for about a few minutes, when I see the small park Jay always take me too. It wasn't the one Nathan took me too. I know like what's the difference they're both parks, well they are different to me okay. I feel Jay's hand slip into mine. "Three months," I whisper. I smile and Jay does back also.

Jay was an amazing boyfriend and I saw him everyday anyway, and we did work with each other. The dance studio is going great through these three days I didn't go to work. I sat down with Jay and looked up. There were no stars in the sky, it was dark almost so cloudy you would assume it to rain. You couldn't see the moon as the clouds covered it. It was a bit cold, but I didn't mean, the warmth of Jay's hand was all I needed.

I was too busy admiring the night when I heard Jay say three words that I don't think I wanted him ever to say, "I love you." I looked at him. I felt like I was going to cry. I know I didn't love him. Love is a very strong word, a strong emotion. I just couldn't bring myself to say it back. " Jay I don't---" "No it's okay don't answer I don't want this to ruin our relationship." I nodded.

Jay didn't look at me anymore. He was being alright about it, but I knew he was hiding how he truly felt. "Jay please just let it out." He cried. I thought he would yell at me. Asking me why I don't love him back, but he didn't. I watched as tear after tear just kept sliding off his face. I couldn't bear it anymore and I pulled him into a hug. His tears went through my shirt, but I didn't care. I made Jay who was almost 98.9% of the time always happy. Never sad. Yet here he is. Crying his eyes out because I just couldn't get three little simple words that held such a strong feeling to it out. Eight letters, three words, one phrase and I just couldn't bring myself to tell him.


After that I love you incident me and Jay went back to normal. It was a whole week, but we are alright now. Jay would leave sometimes because he just couldn't look at me. I knew he would go with Nathan as Nathan would text me telling me he was with him. Nathan knew how I was with proof so when he would take pictures of Jay crying they broke me.

"Summer want to come with me?" Jay asked with the car keys in his hand. "Where are you going?" He smiled and I knew it had to be something on dance or music. Jay hasn't sung in a long time and it upsets me. I knew he loved to do it with the boys, but I think he can't bring himself to do it without them. "Jake said that there was a dancing concert and one of them wanted a live back-up singer so here I am." He pointed to himself which made me laugh. "and I was wondering if you wanted to come watch." I nodded and ran upstairs. Not because I needed anything I just needed the camera.

"Okay let's go." He nods and opens the door for me. "Oh what a gentleman." I say. He rolls his eyes, but then goes along with it. "Right, I'm sure a charmer." I laugh and give him a quick kiss before getting in the car.

---During the concert---

"Welcome..." I blanked out. I watched so many dancers with so many back-up singers, but none of them was Jay until I heard the announcer say, "And their back-up singer Jay Mcguiness." I smiled and clapped my hands. This was honestly really sophisticated event and well Jay singing at it made it even more special.

I watched as he sang. I song I have never heard before and it made my heart feel warm and fuzzy. I haven't heard his voice sing in forever and I loved it. He sang with heart and I know that he wasn't the best singer ever, but to me in this moment. He was. He in this very moment had taken over my head and heart and I just regret not ever telling him I loved him. At the same time I am glad. I don't know why. I guess I just want it to stay as strong feelings toward each other, but not love. Was I crazy? I think so.

----After concert----

Jay came and ran for me. I laughed as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulders. "Jay put me down." I said as I squirmed around. He laughed and finally set me down on my feet. "So what did you think of it?" I stood there with a look on my face saying that I didn't like it. Jay looked sad until I said, "I loved it you crazy fool." He laughed and guided me into the car. As he closed my door I swear I heard, "I just wished you loved me."

Oooo a little drama huh. Well thanks to those who are reading. Hope you guys like it do far.

-Kayla :)

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