Chapter 8

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Adriana's POV         

        When we finally arrived at the hospital I ran out of the car. I left the keys in so Jay and Nathan would have to take care of it before coming in. I ran straight for the officer. I watched as he spoke with the doctor. "Woah there." He stopped me in my tracks. "Please let me see them and give me Miranda. I am Adriana Sapphire Summers." The officer nodded. "bring her the girl." He spoke into some sort of communication device. "Ms. Summers we are sorry to say that we tried to save your uncle, but he didn't even make it out of the car. We didn't want to tell you this on the phone." I nodded and held the tears in. I needed to be strong for Miranda.

        I watched as a man walked in with Miranda. I saw her and bent down opening my arms. She saw me and ran into my arms. She was in that car. She watched her parents hurt awfully. She watched her dad die before her eyes just like I did. I held her tight and I felt tears soak through my shirt. "Daddy." She whispered. That's what broke me. I cried with her. I had Archie to hold on to when our parents passed. Miranda has no siblings right now. I am all she has. All at least until her mother recovers. 

        "It's going to be okay. You have me and your mommy remember Nathan." She nods. She knows I am with Jay. but I think that she adores Nathan too much. "He's here. Do you want to see him?" She nods again slowly and I know actually what she needed. I sat her down on the chair. "excuse me" The officer that brought Miranda in turns to face me. "yes." "Do you mind if watch her for a minutes while I got get someone." He nods and goes to sit by her. I smile and run to find Nathan and Jay. 

        The hallways were dull like a regular hospital. All white. "MOVE MOVE!" I looked as I saw a man who's part of the face was all bloody. I watched as they searched his face then I saw his hand. My eyes widened. "No no no. His face is not bleeding. It's his stomach, hurry he is losing to much blood." The nurses look at me and move the man's hand where he had it. Sure enough there was a hole in his stomach. He was trying to put pressure on it, but the pain is what caused him to move his hand to his face and drag the blood. "Thank you thank you." I nod and they rush off. 

        I feel the tears again as I finally find Nathan and Jay. "You lads take forever." they look ashamed. "No it's okay I just need you guys to do me a favor." they nod. I don't know why they aren't talking it bothered me. A lot. I didn't say anything though. I just couldn't stand it. "I need you guys to sing Miranda a song. Please. She watched her father die before her eyes and that's not something any- any " I couldn't finish. 

-Flashback- "Adriana where are you?" I giggled as I ran under his desk. I didn't hear my daddy anymore. "Daddy." I got out from under the desk and went to look for him. "Daddy." I saw my daddy and a man with knife held by my daddy's neck. "DADDY" He saw me. "Adriana go back." The man with the knife saw me and I ran. "Daddy." I begged. I ran to his office and hid under his desk. The man followed me in and my daddy was close behind. "Don't touch her." Daddy started to fight with the man, but the man took the knife and stabbed him in his stomach. I watched my daddy fall to the floor. "DADDY NO PLEASE." I watched the man run off and I went for him. I put my hands on the area where I saw the blood. He took my hands full of his blood and put it across his cheek. "Daddy I need to put pressure." He shook his head and held my hand. "I love you my little princess. You are and always will be my everything." His eyes started to close. "DADDY." -END- 

        "Adriana Adriana. Stop screaming please." I looked to see Nathan and Jay holding me. I was on my knees. I guess the memory was too much too bear. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to break like that." Jay held me tight against him and I saw Nathan look left out. "come on Nath." He smiled and joined the hug. "Okay enough of me let's get to Miranda." They smiled and followed me to her. 

        Miranda saw us and came running toward all of us. "Nayfan, Jay, Ari." She still couldn't pronounce my name to well. I liked it though. I didn't want her to grow up. Nathan held his arms open and she let him hug her. I smiled. They looked so cute so I took a picture. Then she went to hug Jay who held her so tight and threw her up into the air. She was only laughing and it makes me glad that I had brought these two along. She deserves to be happy no matter what's happening.

        I left her with the boys as I went into her mom's room. I wasn't allowed in there, but I needed to know what my aunt would want me to do with Miranda if she you know. I walked in to see her awake and she smiled. I knew she was hurting inside. She looks like my mother did when she heard that my father was dead. "Hey." She smiled warmly. "I wanted to check on you and umm.. ask what you would like me to sign on the papers." She took off her oxygen mask. "Keep her." Then she put it back on and dosed off.

        I went back to the officers and they gave me the papers straight away. Keep her. I knew I had to. My mom would have and so I will. I signed the papers for custody on Miranda and gave them back. "We will also need to see your brother as he has custody over you so we need to make sure he doesn't want Miranda also. If he does I am afraid you will lose her." I nodded. I didn't mind. Archie adored Miranda either way.

        I went back to the boys. "How about we all head home?" They all nodded and Nathan put Miranda on his shoulders as Jay put his arm around mine and pulled me close. He kissed the top of my head. "Everything will turn out fine." For some reason, I didn't believe him.

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