Chapter 10

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Jay's POV 

        After we got home I went straight to bed. I wasn't mad at Summer it just hurt. Telling someone you love them then not hearing it back hurts. A lot. I layed down in bed thinking about this. She said she loved the preformance which is good. I'm glad we're together, but I don't think her feelings towards me are as strong as mine are for her. 

        My phone went off and I saw it was Nathan. "Great," I muttered. I didn't really feel like talking, but I still answered so he didn't think anything was wrong. "Hey Nath, you alright?" I hear a sigh and don't know where this was going. "Do you mind canceling for me with my mum?" I sighed back. He could never cancel a visit to his mum. "Sure no problem." We talked a little more before he said he had to go. 

        I groaned as I stared at my cieling. I closed my eyes hoping I would get some sleep. 


        I feel the bed sink all of the sudden. I open my eyes to see Summer. I smiled at her and she kissed me lightly. "I'm sorry I couldn't sleep." She said. I just nodded and pulled her closer, keeping my arms around her. 

Adriana's POV 

        I felt bad for Jay, he kept his arms around me as if I was going to fly away or something from him. I didn't get mad or budge. He was my boyfriend after all, but it's the I Love You thing that I am sure might ruin us.


        I woke up so see Jay wasn't there. I rubbed my face as I got up. I didn't want Jay to be so awful to me, but it seemed as if he didn't even want to be around me anymore. I put on one of his hoodies and then went toward kitchen. 

        I saw Jay was on the couch so I sat by him instead. "I made you tea it's in the kitchen." He stated plainly. 'no good morning.' I thought. I got up again and went into the kitchen. I saw the tea there on the counter. He's probably going to breakup with me today or something. I didn't mind. I think it is better for him to not be with someone who doesn't love him. 

        I go back in the room to see Jay put on The NoteBook for me and I smile. I go over to him and cuddle up. "Nothing will change my feelings for you Summer unless of course you decide to be just friends, but I think if that were to happen I would still love you." I nodded and smiled. Jay was amazing, but I think not telling him I love him is killing him. 


        "Summer I will be back a student wants a private lesson!" "Okay!" I yell back at Jay and go to the door. "You want me to come?" I ask. He shakes his head and pulls me in for a hug. I kiss him lighlty and he smiles. "Go out to the park or something I won't be long." I nodded and watched as he got in the car. 

        I went back to my room to get my hat so the sun wouldn't burn my head, I walked for a bit then just went for the studio. I wanted to tell Jay straight. Hopefully he will break up with me first when I arrive. I guess the relationship even though it lasted for three months it was like I'm dating my brother. 

        I opened the door and saw Jay dancing with a student. I smiled as they were doing amazing. When they were done I started to clap. They both faced me and the other guy blushed. I laughed and Jay came up to me. I knew what was coming. "Summer can we talk." I nod and he takes me to my side of the studio. "Summer I loved our relationship, but I think we are more lieke brother and sister here. I do love you, but I guess it's not in that way. Do you understand?' I nod. In my head I was thanking the Lord for letting this happen. "Yea Jay it's fine I was going to tell you the same thing. So you're my brother?" Jay smiles big. "Yep and you're my sister." We hugged then he went back to finish his lesson. 

-------a week later-----

        "JAY! NATHAN! Hurry up slow pokes I kinda want to get there on time!" I yelled. Me, Jay and Nathan were going to some birthday thing. They said it was for a fan who say these two as their favorites. I looked them up again. They weren't twins, but the sister was born on the same day as her brother. The boy was named Noah and the girl was named Ally. They finally came down the steps fixing each others clothing and I covered my eyes. "Eww guys. Can you be gay another time?" I tease them. "Ha Ha." Nathan said, but Jay was proud I guess you could say. "Yep Jaythan is a real thing." I laughed and Nathan rolled his eyes. "Alright let's go then don't leave your poor fan waiting." I tell them. They nod and get in the car. 

        I wanted to drive so Nathan sat in the front with me as Jay sat in the back. "How you doing back there bro?" I ask him. He hits the back of my head. "Hey no hitting the driver." He chuckles, but Nathan is focused on the road. I didn't understand why he was so serious. I reach a hand to the back and am able to reach one of Jay's curls. 

        I pulled it so he would be closer. "Ow much!" He yelled at me. "Nathan too serious." I whisper so only he can hear me. Jay looks at Nathan then nods. He starts to talk to Nath and I smile. I didn't know what was wrong with him, but I hope this birthday party cheered him up. They weren't so dressed up, but they did look nice. I put on a simple spring dress i had even though it's summer who said anything was wrong with it. 

        When we finally arrived I got out and reached the door first. Nathan and Jay were engrossed in a conversation and I wanted to know what they were saying, but I didn't bother asking. I knocked on the door and saw two kids open the door. They weren't that young maybe around 7 and 14 something like that. "Hi there." I said. They smiled. "You're pretty." Noah said. I smiled at him. "Thank you." I told him. Then the boys finally arrived at the door. "So these are the birthday kids." Jay said. I smiled as they were both excited. 

        I went inside with them and just sat down. I watched as they fooled around. Nathan played some video games with Noah and Jay was just messing around with Ally. When she came up to me. "Come on play with us." Ally said pulling my hand. I nodded and went with her. Ally was 7 and Noah was 14. I though it was cool that they were born on the same day, but weren't twins it was pretty cool. I sat down and played with her as Jay went with Nathan and Noah. 

Nathan's POV 

        I turned to look at Adri once and a while. "You like her don't you?" Noah said as if he were stating the obvious. Was I making it too obvious? Jay would kill me. As if reading my mind Jay said, "I wouldn't kill you mate, I thought I told you me and Summer broke up a week ago." Noah was really into the game. "I thought her name was Adriana." "It is Jay here calls her Summer though because her last name is Summers." He nodded and was in the game again. 

        I got back in it and Jay soon joined. "Okay so you dated Adriana and Nathan likes her yet she doesn't know because she just ended her relationship with you, but she never told you she let's say loved you so you broke it off. Agreed to be brother and sister while you, Nathan like her or love her I don't know your feelings toward her, but maybe she feels the same way so I don't see why you don't just tell her." Noah said. I was shocked . They kid is only 14. Jay was pretty surprised too so I just agreed with Noah and we went back to the game. I looked back to check on Adri to see her teaching Ally a dance and I smiled. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I know that I'm not letting her go so easily. 

Jay's POV 

        "Thank you for having us." I said. The mother thanked us and we left. The party went downhill when Noah finally spoke the whole truth. Nathan became very controlling over Summer throughout the party. I knew she didn't like it as she kept glaring at him. He would give her a short amount of drink and food. It was getting me mad as well as it seemed he was trying to tell her she was fat or something. Which I know isn't the case, but it seemed like it and I didn't like it. 

        I drove this time with Summer beside me and Nathan in the back. Me and Summer kept talking about how we had fun and she told me how she taught Ally how to do one dance. I'm glad she liked teaching. I sure do. It was fun even though I do miss the boys. I think we should call them sometime and I tell Summer. "Yea sure why not. It would be fun to meet the boys." I smiled at her and looked back at Nathan. "Sure I miss them a lot anyway." Great now we have something planned. 

        When we got home we hung out a bit and Nathan said he had the week off so Summer said we should just let him stay here. I agreed so Summer stayed in my room with me with Nathan kept her room. I had a pretty small house okay and it's not weird because Summer is like a sister to me and we did date so it wasn't going to be weird I hope. 

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