Chapter 13

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Adriana's POV

I stared at Nathan for a bit. He called me a bitch, but I did call him a dick. I shook the thought out of my head. I can't lose him again. Not again. "I'm sorry," I whisper. His eyes widen and I chuckle. Even Jay and Emily were shocked that I didn't hold my ground. Then I saw a smile on Emily's face, she knew that I would do anything just to make sure I didn't lose him. I couldn't lose Nathan like I lost my parents. Even if he doesn't die like they did if he were to leave me I would think he died to me.

"Alright I'm sorry too. How about I make it up to you." Nathan said. I looked at him after me and Emily exchanged glances. "How would you do that?" I ask him. He smirks and I smile. "I can take you out sometime if you want to of course. I don't want to force you, I mean I'm not forcing you I just--" "Nathan I would love too." I cut him off. Nathan was about to start to ramble and even though it was cute he was embarrassing himself in front of Jake and Tori.

I saw a smile appear on his face then I looked at everyone. I clapped my hands together. "Well now who wants to eat because I'm starving." I said. Jay chuckled and Emily punched him lightly on the arm. "You're always hungry though." Jay said. I smiled and I heard Jake chuckle. "That Mr. Mcguiness is completely 100 percent true." I said before walking into the kitchen to bring out the food.


"Ugh EMILY HELP OUT WILL YOU," I told her. She was just on her phone and was sitting on my bed. RIght now me I was trying to pick out what to wear to me and Nathan's outing. He told me to wear anything as it really didn't matter. He won't tell me where we are going though so I don't know if I could actually wear anything I wanted.

"Okay give me a second I will help you out." I groaned, but sat on my desk chair and just spun around. "Here wear this." I turned to see what Emily had out and I smiled. She got a shirt that showed a little belly skin, but I could cover that with an undershirt and a flowery skater skirt with black military boots and my grey beanie. She also got out my glasses. "But I--" "No he has already seen you with your contacts, let's try your glasses. I nodded and changed so I could let Emily straighten my hair and do minimal make-up.

When she is finally finished I look myself in the mirror and was amazed. I looked alright for me being me. I walked out of my room to see Nathan already ready. When he saw me he smiled and I pushed up my glasses. "You look great." "Same to you Sykes." He chuckled and then we left.

I looked outside the car window to see an amsuement park. I smiled so big and when Nathan parked I pulled him out. "Woah calm down, love we have all night." I laughed and started to run. I heard Nathan's footsteps and laughed because it was like our time in the rain except he can't cheat this time.

We went on many rides, but then it came to the ferris wheel. "Very cheesy," I told Nathan. He frowned. "Aww why?" I laughed. "What were you going to do? Take me up there with you then kiss me when we reach the top." He laughed, but then frowned. "God Adri always got to ruin my surprises." I laughed and took his hand. "I guess I could deal with a little cheesy-ness tonight." He smiled and kissed the top of my head.

When we were finally able to get on and reached the top Nathan got close. "Ready for this really cheesy line that will be followed by a very extermly cheesy action." I nodded. "You are the most amazing girl ever and to me you are perfect. You are beautiful and I'm sure everyone can see that." He started to lean in and I did the same until our lips met. I smiled throughtout it and when we pulled away I just rested my head on his shoulder as he held me tight.


The green grass was moist and the sky beautiful colors from the sun rising. I took another sip of my tea when I heard the door open and then close. I looked behind me to see Emily. "Hey Ems." I said. She took a seat next to me and smiled. "So you and Nathan huh?" I shrugged. "He hasn't really properly asked me to be his girlfriend, but we do go out a lot and he do kiss it's just complicated." Emily looked confused, but how do you explain something you don't understand yourself.

"Look Jay let me in saying you were already awake so I thought that maybe we could go to your dance studio. I know you work there and maybe don't want to dance when you don't have to, but I think it will help you with this problem." I nod. Good thing I have Emily. "Let's go then I would love to dance just to dance this time. I'm always teaching, never have time to just dance." She smiled and I ran upstairs to get my bag. I put all my clothes in it then went back to Ems. "Alright let's go." She nodded and we went into her car while she drived.


"That was amazing," Emily said after I had just finished a routine I had made a while back. "Thanks Ems. Want to do anything else?" "No Adriana it's fine you should rest anyway. I'll see you some other time. Want a ride back?" I shook my head. I kind of want to walk. "I will walk today I'll see you around." She nodded and waved before leaving the studio.

I got my stuff and dressed into my regular clothes. I started to walk home when I saw Nathan. I smiled until I saw him kiss a girl. I looked down. "Don't let it effect you, he isn't even yours." I mumbles to myself. I looked up to see him still kissing her and I blew. "NATHAN JAMES SYKES," He looked up to see me and he frowned.

I swear I saw dissapointment. I watched as he shoed the girl away then walked to me. "Adri it isn't what it lookes like." I crossed my arms. "Oh really so you didn't just kiss that girl." He looked at the ground. "Well no I did, but understand me Adri it was a fan." "Nathan I understand the fans, but a kiss like that for so long." "WHY ARE YOU GETTING WORKED UP WE AREN'T EVEN DATING," He yelled. "WELL YOU ARE THE ONE GETTING WORKED UP YOU JUST YELLED AT ME AND I THOUGHT THAT MAYBE YOU CARED ABOUT ME MAYBE JUST A LITTLE." I yelled back. This isn't good. I don't want to agrue, but me being stubborn is coming back.

"OF COURSE I CARE ABOUT YOU. WHY DO YOU THINK I'VE BEEN TAKING YOU OUT." "WELL MAYBE YOU DO THAT TO EVERY GIRL YOU WANT. MAYBE YOU ARE JUST A FUCKING PLAYER." I yelled back. I didn't mean it. I know it isn't true and that's when his eyes filled with anger. Then sadness, but the anger came back. "If you feel that way fine, but I'm leaving." "Nathan." I said, but he just walked away. I didn't mean what I said. I didnt't. It was all in the heat of the moment. Oh Nathan please don't leave me.


I walked down the streets as I pulled down my sleeves, It was my fault Nathan hated me right now. "How could I be so stupid?" I mumble to myself. I wasn't looking where I was walking again and bumped into someone. "Shit lady," I heard a familiar voice, The one voice of the guys who I loved, of family. My family. "Ar-Ar-ch-chie" I stutter. He was looking at me now with tears in his eyes.

"I thought I'd never see you again." He said like a whisper I barely even heard him. "I thought you never wanted to see me again." I told him, just like he did in a mild whisper. I looked down and felt tears fall from my eyes. Then I felt two arms pull me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Adriana really I am." Archie said. I knew it was sincere, but I had been gone for almost half the year. "Something got a hold over me that's why I never tried to find you. I thought you hated me." I stated to feel bad for Archie, he is my brother after all.

I just nodded. i didn't know what I was suppose to say. None the less what to do. I knew his birthday was coming up, September 26. Since mine was July 1st, he had missed my birthday. I don't want to do the same. I don't want to miss his birthday.


"Who are you staying with?" Archie asked. We had sat down so we could catch up. Not like I have planed, oh wait I did. Nathan canceled our plans together though. "Adriana did you hear me?" I nodded . "I live with a nice lad called Jay." I saw a smiled on his face. "Glad you ended up with him, me and Jay have some history together. I never told you about." "No me and Jay aren't together." I said rather quickly, but then thought I don't even know what me and Nathan are at the moment. He never properly dumped me. "I have a complicated relationship with Nathan, but I live with Jay. I did date him for two months, it just didn't feel right. He's like a brother to me." Archie nodded. We went on talking. He told me many things that have been happening to him, but also one that hit me, one about his girlfriend. He told me many other things and said he would explain them better later.

I told him that he could bring his girlfriend with him when he comes to visit me at Jay's.

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