3 | Not So Bad

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A/N: LOOK. I WROTE SOMETHING. IT'S A TERRIBLY CUTE SOMETHING. I'm absolutely in love with Dane and Kelly. They're so adorable. I jsut want them to get married and have babies to bless me with adorable baby muses.

*insert obnoxious raspberry sound*

Thanks for putting up with these slow updates. School's such a pain. I hope you all understand. ♥ If you don't, that's okay. Just enjoy the story. ♥

Chapter Three

I blinked owlishly at the pout plastered upon my friend’s face. Not once had I ever had someone beg for something from me. I hadn’t even refused to him, and he was already using the full force of his puppy eyes on me. I blushed lightly at how bright the look made his warm brown eyes appear.

Please,” he continued to pout when I hadn’t answered him.

“Alright, alright,” I conceded, waving a hand at him. “You didn’t need to beg.”

“Well, I didn’t know if you would help me or not. I did almost poison you last week.”

I rolled my eyes at that. When it was confirmed that I had caught Kelly’s illness, he had showered me in just as much attention and care as I had to him the week prior. Unlike me though, Kelly had no experience cooking and nearly burnt everything he fed me. After a couple instances of this, my mother insisted on making extra leftovers for Kelly and I to eat the next day.

“It’s okay. You could have told me you couldn’t cook.”

“I wanted to do something special for you though. You did take care of me for a whole week, you know.”

“You returned the favor well enough.”

Kelly rolled his eyes, obviously not thinking that what he did for me was equivalent to what I had done for him. I thought it was the opposite though. Kelly had stayed with me for the week I sick, making sure I didn’t wait for anything. He jumped to his feet in alarm every time I stood to go to the bathroom or went to go refill my tea cup.

“Whatever you say, cutie. So when would be good for you?”

“Uh,” I stumbled, “anytime, really. I don’t have sports like you, so I just go home after classes.”

I nibbled on my sandwich crust, trying to avoid gnawing at my lip, as Kelly thought about his schedule, which was probably busy, especially with midterms two weeks away.

“I have practice this week, but I’m free after six. We could study at my house. My mom usually just goes to sleep after she gets home.”

“Okay. You would have to drive me home then.”

“That’s fine.”

I shook my head, choosing to nibble on my sandwich again. I didn’t want to say something stupid in response—or ramble. God, Kelly had to be sick of my voice after all my fever-induced ramblings last week. Thank god I never said something about liking him. I would have died of mortification. I still didn’t know if what I felt was ever like though.

I tried to view my feelings as objectively as possible. Something got in the way that always made me think that I had feelings for Kelly. His kindness was my major draw to him. He smiled at me a lot, and it was always so warm. Sometimes, on particularly giddy days, I would delude myself into thinking that he…might have liked me too.

“You’re the best, Dane,” he smiled, breaking me of my reverie.

I flushed at that and wrapped my empty plastic bag around my fingers. I told my mom to buy one of those plastic sandwich containers for me, but she never did. I only ever ate sandwiches, so it would be more eco-friendly. She always said that she just bought the little plastic baggies out of habit and forgot the container.

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