6 | Summer Without You

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A/N: So the new writing format's weird. I don't know if I like it, but a lot of my favourite writers are leaving now because of Wattpad's constant changes. I won't be leaving, but it makes me really sad that all of the people I love to read are.

Just so you guys are aware.

Other than that, yeah, enjoy this chapter. ♥

Chapter Six

His eyes were a golden honey, and his hair curled in dark brown waves. A sweet boyish smile made the corners of his lips point upward, and Xand-

I stared at the screen, biting my lip incessantly. After a glaring match with the white sheet of my word processor, I pressed ctrl+a and delete.

I sighed before closing out of the blank document. It stupidly asked me if I wanted to save changes to said blank document. Once the processor was completely closed out, I shut my laptop and curled back on my bed as it was too hot to actually surround myself in my usual fort of blankets. Screw this writing crap; it was difficult.

Checking the date, I saw that it was nearly the eighth. Two more days until Kelly came home. After he came home, we had two weeks before starting school again. He had left six weeks ago to spend time with family on the East Coast, a tradition his mother clung to.

After his big apology scene at my house, we had become good friends again. Kelly walked me to all of my finals, and I helped him cram for exams at the last minute. After graduation, he spent all of his free time with me when he wasn't volunteering at a local day camp.

I sighed and opened up my phone to my Wattpad app again. God, since discovering this site, it has completely consumed my life. I found a variety of books to read. I was surprised to learn that most of the authors I read were mostly unpublished as the site was mostly used by amateur writers.

At the moment, I was binge reading Oceanspray after reading the prologue last night. There was something about the mood and wording that made me shiver, like something was actually in the water that Adrian was staring at. It could have been my sleep-deprived mind, but it was weird nonetheless.

In a matter of hours, I was reduced to a ball of tears and tissues. How could the author just leave the end at that? There was no possible way that was the end! I frantically scrolled up, trying to find a next part, and found an author's note instead. I read the quirky author's note and nearly started bawling again in relief when it said that there was an alternate ending for people following the author.

While trying to clear my airways from my earlier crying, I looked through the author's profile. She looked as bubbly as her babbling author's notes sounded. She also looked way too young to know about the pain that she wrote about. She looked fifteen, at most, even though her profile clearly stated that she was eighteen; the poor girl shouldn't have to know that kind of soul-wrenching pain.

I followed her and looked through her other works. She seemed to have a thing for one-word titles-weird.

I completed the process to read the alternate ending for Oceanspray and nearly geeked out completed at-what I would call-the real end. I think the right word for what I was something like fangirling, so fanboying? Oh, Internet; you and your odd terms.

At my growling stomach's request, I walked to the kitchen for some lunch. Just as I was setting a pot of water for some instant ramen on the stove, my phone went off. I retrieved it from my back pocket and accepted the FaceTime call from Kelly.

"Cutie! Save me!"

I rolled my eyes. "It is very nice to see you too, Kelly."

"Don't you sass me. I need back up. Thing four and five are approaching quickly. Send an airstrike or a nuke."

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