10 | Our Final Days

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A/N: Alright, my little biscuits! This story is coming to an end! Wahhh~! This is the final chapter. An epilogue will be following this, so don't you worry. c: It'll be a little different than I had originally planned, buuuuuuuuh y'knowwwwwww.

Anyways, for the epilogue, I was thinking of writing it on GoogleDocs so you can can all comment and chat with me while I write that, but I'm actually gonna be out of town next weekend, and I want to try writing a majority of the epilogue in one sitting. If this sounds interesting/fun to you, let me know so I can plan a date for me to write. ♥

Thanks for sticking with this story, guys. It's been awesome.

Chapter Ten

I stuttered on my breath when we finally made it to the gym—or rather the line to get into the gym. Kids were milling about in semblance of a line, passing yearbooks around, laughing, talking. There were so manyof them. I had no idea that my class was so huge; I had no idea there were so many people. If we were in a line, we could probably fill the entire quad that we stretched in to—easily.

Lips gently touched my temple. "It's okay, baby. You don't have to talk to any of them."

I was still shaking though.

"Breathe, Dane. You're okay. You don't have to talk to them, and they're not going to touch you, alright?"

I must have still been nonresponsive and slightly trembling because Kelly asked next, "Do you want to hold my hand?"

Warily, I intertwined my fingers with his and exhaled deeply.


I nodded and stepped closer to him as he ushered us towards the line. We stood in silence. The line moved slowly; we shuffled forward a few feet every few minutes or so. Everyone around us was chatting with each other in excitement. Some of Kelly's friend came up to us when they were done with checking out. They didn't stay long, to which I was grateful for.

Even after being together for almost four months, Kelly's friends still made me uncomfortable. Some of them were nice, and others of them brushed me off with casual eye rolls. One of them, Beau, was definitely a force to be reckoned with though. He was a ball of energy and didn't take no for an answer. He had his own boyfriend, but insisted on taking me out for lunch one day. His boyfriend—Damien, I think his name was—was upset about the lunch date, but agreed to it nonetheless.

Speaking of the devil, he was bounding up to us right then. Poor Damien was being dragged across the quad as Beau made his approach.

"Babies!" he cried before catapulting himself towards us. Kelly did his best to shield me from the onslaught, but like I said, he was a force to be reckoned with and didn't like the concept of no. Beau attached himself to us and shook us collectively until I was starting to feel nauseous.

"Stop, Beau," Kelly laughed. "You're gonna make Dane sick again."

Beau pouted but luckily stopped. He smiled up at the two once he was on his own feet again. Damien stood silently behind his exuberant boyfriend, watching on with guarded amusement.

"Are you all check out already?" Kelly asked, smiling at the smaller boy.

"Yep!" Beau smiled. "We're all checked out and got our gowns and everything. Damien promised to buy me ice cream if I got through the whole thing without causing a fuss, so we're going out after this."

"Would you guys like to tag along? A double date of sorts."

I looked at Damien. He was definitely the stronger, silent type. He only showed kindness towards others though. I turned to Kelly with a shy smile. Ice cream did sound really good at the moment; it was nearly eighty degrees out right now anyways.

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