7 | Not Just You

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A/N: I'm sorry about any odd spacing in this chapter. I'm still assimilating to the new writing layout. For now, just deal with it, and I'll fix it at a later time.

This chapter is unedited.

Chapter Seven

"Show me your schedule!"

I rolled my eyes at his exuberance. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet like an excited puppy, pastel blue schedule in hand. He smiled at me as I pulled my schedule out of my bag. I passed the blue sheet of paper over to my friend, which he instantly ripped from my hands. A small pout developed on his face as he read over my class schedule.

"We don't have any classes together this year. You little smarty pants."

I flushed slightly and took my schedule back. The classes I was taking weren't that bad. I suppose there were quite a bit of AP courses on my schedule, but I was hoping that the AP tests at the end of the year would cover most of my GE credits for college.

"We can still eat lunch together though," he smiled. "Okay?"

The corners of my lips turned up a little in a typical shy smile. "Okay."

He smiled at me before running off to talk with some of this other friends about their schedule. I watched him as he smiled and laughed with his friends, cheering at shared classes. I shook my head, a little grin still on my face, as I walked off to my locker. I was a little late in the morning and didn't have time to empty my bag of the various notebooks I carried to school.

Once my bag was mostly empty, I shut the locker door and made my way to the library. I had an open first period, something I felt grateful towards. The librarian nodded towards me when I entered, to which I politely mimicked. Since it was the first day of classes, I had no work to do, so I sat myself down at one of the computers and randomly surfed the web until the bell rang for second period.

Much of the day was filled with boring introductory lectures. My gov/econ teacher was a bit eccentric, but other than that, most of my teachers seemed relatively normal and just as boring as the other teachers at the school.

As promised, Kelly met me in the garden for lunch. He was beaming widely for reasons unknown to me. I let the matter slide though, because if he was smiling, it couldn't be bad-so long as he was happy. He sat on the bench beside me, smile still apparent on his face.

"How're you classes so far, cutie?"

I shrugged, getting to work on nibbling on my sandwich. "They don't seem too bad. I'm going to be cursing myself come AP exam time though."

"You'll do fine," he grinned. "I believe in you."

I smiled to myself before continuing with my lunch. Kelly babbled on about things as always, and I simply listened. He had some interesting things to say about his teachers this year, causing me to chuckle a bit throughout the period. Towards the end of lunch though, he brought up homecoming. I cringed at the word.

"I'm going to stay home and curl up with a good book."

"You're not going to the dance?"

I shook my head, tugging at the empty plastic bag my sandwich was in. "You know that's not my thing."

"Why don't we have a movie night together then?" he asked with a cheeky smile.

"But," I argued, "it's your senior homecoming."

He shrugged. "It's okay. Spending time with you is a lot more fun than watching football."

I flushed and heard the bell buzz, signaling that lunch was done. I picked up my bag and started towards my next class. Kelly followed me like a happy little puppy.

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