4 | Yeah, I'm Okay

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Chapter Four

I promise to text you every day, okay, cutie?

Promises weren’t things I normally held close to me, but Kelly promised that he’d text me every day while he was gone and hasn’t missed a day yet. Every morning, I woke up with a Good morning, cutie! text on my phone, and every evening, I received a Good night cutie text. I always found it amusing that in the morning, when he was wide awake, he always used punctuation, but as the day progressed and he grew more tired, the punctuation completely disappeared.

Today was no different.

Kelly Sanders 37 minutes ago
Good morning, cutie! (:

I smiled at the little happy face at the end and slid open my phone to reply back: You’re up late today.

It was spring break, so his mom insisted on going on vacation. She more than deserved one, so I didn’t argue against my only friend leaving for a week to keep his mom company. They were staying in-state, but it was still far enough away that they weren’t coming home every night.

I’ve been left alone at home. Dani went back to school a few weeks ago, and my parents were still both working diligently. With the house empty by seven-thirty every morning, I’ve been able to sleep in until nearly ten or eleven every day so far this week. It’s absolute bliss.

Before I could press the home button, I saw the little ellipses bubble pop us, indicating that Kelly was writing something back.

Kelly: Mom said I could sleep in today since she was going for a massage and wine tasting. Apparently I’m too young to be drinking

I chuckled at that response and curled up comfortably in my bed. I wasn’t planning on doing anything special for the day anyways. Maybe eating a little ice cream later on; that was considered a special happening, right?

Dane: Who would have thought?

Kelly: Have I ever told you how sassy you are over text?

Dane: No please enlighten me

Kelly: There it is again!

Kelly: It’s really cute though so I don’t mind

I flushed. After our kiss—er, kisses—two weeks ago, I found myself blushing even more around Kelly. My feelings for him were confirmed then when I felt my stomach flutter a bit at his lips touching mine. I was right when I thought that he had really soft lips.

Dane: Cute?

Kelly: Yes cute you’re my little cutie remember? My little mandarin

I rolled my eyes at that. I was surprised that he even remembered that. His fever was through the roof when he called me that. Nevertheless, I kind of liked the stupid little nickname.

We continued on texting for the rest of the morning. He sent me funny stories about his mom while the explored SoCal together and told me random tidbits about the places he was visiting. Usually he couldn't talk this much because he was enjoying time with him mom, so today was a kind of treat for me.

Around lunchtime, he even FaceTimed me.

“Cutie!” he cried out when the connection came through.

I flushed slightly and waved shyly at the camera.

“Aw, cutie, I miss eating lunch with you. Have you eaten lunch yet?”

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